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Everything posted by FuEl

  1. Check this out. A little bleached but I believe it will be a beauty.
  2. Very soon your tank will have some contributions. Super Neon Green leather. The photograph is an insult to this coral. Unidentified PURPLE soft coral which everybody thought was BROWN.
  3. Guess what.. I saw Hippocampus bargibanti on a stocklist.
  4. Ahbeng usually has them. Recent ORA shipment at LCK had them too, but I think sold out already.
  5. Diatoms. This is due to silicates in tapwater. If there are no silicates diatoms cannot grow. You can either: 1) Live with it. 2) Use distilled or deionised water for making your saltwater and for topping up to compensate evaporation.
  6. Think that would be an albino burmese python. Used to cost 4 digits but now much much cheaper.
  7. Deionised unit can be purchased from shops such as: http://www.reefdepot.com.sg/Products.asp?O...amp;BrandID=All Distilled water the only convenient way is to buy and have the water company to deliver it to you. Too time consuming to distill it yourself.
  8. ...not according to me lah. According to a website.
  9. Most people use deionised water or distilled water. RO water is an overkill if you were to get an RO unit. The thing about avoiding tapwater is that it might have certain chemicals which you might want to avoid like heavy metals, silicates, etc. Heavy metals can be toxic to sensitive invertebrates and silicates usually cause diatom bloom. This makes your tank glass brown very fast. If you can live with diatoms and don't keep sensitive invertebrates by all means just stick to tapwater. I use tapwater all along. Then again different parts of Singapore will have different tapwater properties.
  10. He meant yellow, purple and blue striped yuma la. Not the whole thing that color.
  11. Too small to frag..my nutrient levels not high enough for this fellow to grow fast.
  12. Damsels get very territorial and will claim the whole tank as their own. Instead of percula clownfish, I would recommend ocellaris clownfish as they are more docile generally. Do research on the species of hermit crabs to buy. There are only a couple of reef safe ones, generally staying rather small. These are mainly herbivorous and eat algae.
  13. Obtained this gem from a good friend not too long ago. It is so neon I can't get the true colours captured on camera. If you blast this guy under MH it actually turns yellow! A picture from liveaquaria shows the real potential. Palau neon green nephthea
  14. Will be passing half the colony to a friend which currently has a thriving colony for approximately 2 months already. In case this beautiful specimen dies in my tank I know where to find it again.
  15. Is anyone successful with keeping blue anthelia long term? I bought a piece which stood out from the rest today. The rest looked purple from the top. This specimen actually looks metallic blue from the top. Picture taken with flash, still very blue. Comparable to the African blue cespitularia.
  16. My tank not big enough.. that specimen is around 20cm at least.
  17. Not so easy to get stung unless you purposely grab the fish. The fish will rather swim away then let you touch it. Even my lionfishes swim away from my hands.
  18. Think I might have spotted this fish in CF. Either P. kondipungi or an extremely red volitans. Lots of onyx perculas too.
  19. Sis Lemon, quick come and collect your velvet gobies. Better quarantine them for velvet. www.wetwebmedia.com/velvtfshfaqs.htm
  20. People see your avatar smile liao. Where got mood to continue bickering.
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