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Everything posted by FuEl

  1. Check out the effect of Ultra Organic on SPS here. http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1893666
  2. If you are paranoid like me, you will think of the worst case scenario. Cysts of whitespot & velvet can hitch on corals. It's good if the coral you buy are held in a fishless system. This will greatly decrease the risks of fish disease transmission.
  3. New trend: Skimmerless systems with live microalgae for nutrient export?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. FuEl


      Do a google search using the terms "bioremediation" and "microalgae". A lot of publications. :)

    3. AloysiusMun
    4. yikai



      doing a module just on bioremediation alone. argh. boring

  4. http://glassbox-design.com/2010/stylophora-eating-artemia-nauplii/
  5. It is not compulsory to use the silicone tube if you don't find a need to use it. Less troublesome IMO. If you do use it on the syringe, it is important to leave some air in the syringe as you draw 7ml of water. After drawing, invert the syringe and all the air in the syringe will go into the silicone tube as you expel it. Do not expel the liquid from the syringe. Once the air is out of the syringe, invert the syringe again and all the excess water will empty out from the silicon tube.
  6. Coralfarm. Not an easy fish to keep. It will need ample amounts of copepods. Feeding baby brine shrimp long run will not do, even when they are enriched.
  7. Don't need to bother about the silicone tubes. It's just to help you extract distilled water. You can do without the silicone tubes. Basically you use the low glass tubes at first. Add 7ml distilled water to each. Then to one you add 1ml of the reference solution. To the other you add 1ml tank water. Then add 8 drops of reagent no.2 to both tubes. Shake both tubes and wait 3 mins. Then from the low glass tube with reference solution, extract 3ml and place in one high glass tube. Put this on the orange circle on the paper template. Then from the other low glass tube (aquarium water), take 1ml at a time and slowly drop into the other high glass tube which is placed on the other orange circle. Compare and stop when both turbidity is about the same when viewed above. Then take your reading according to the graph provided.
  8. Think yesterday it was stress coloration with all the whitespots infecting it. Only when it was dead did the natural color emerge.
  9. I was guessing Pseudoplesiops wassi based on coloration but somehow the body shape does'nt really match those photos online.
  10. What fish was this? Was severely infected with whitespot. Put it in formalin but it died. Notice the forked tail..
  11. Ultra Easy K has clear instructions which is important. 1ml/100L to raise 3.5mg K 1ml/gallon to raise 90mg K. Recommended not to increase more than 42mg/L per day.
  12. Video attached. Notice 3rd stripe of the smaller fish has not formed yet.
  13. If it's a defect I will swap another pc for you. Do note that the patterns might still change.
  14. Only left the $188 pc. There is another pc with similar pattern but reverse side. There is still a possibility that the "normal" side will develop further. If buy as a pair will be $320. Will post video soon.
  15. Get a storage bin/container to store saltwater. As long as the water parameters are within normal range, it is rather easy to maintain water parameters via frequent water changes. You will not need to worry about nitrate accumulation. I do a 10% waterchange daily, more than enough to keep nitrates down. Alternatively you might opt for 30-50% a week depending on your bioload. Water change for small volume is not hard to do.
  16. Check out this article. http://www.coralmagazine-us.com/content/what-corals-eat
  17. Check with Henry, MarineLife at Hong Leong. I believe he has 2 large pairs.
  18. so tiring changing water. I prepare more RO/DI water per day than the amount I use for bathing.

    1. cedricang


      whats the rodi water for ?

  19. $250. One pc. Around 1.5 - 2cm. White still developing. Black will come in as fish matures.
  20. "White cap". Only 3-4 pc. Price: $128. Size: 1".
  21. About 3-4 pcs (need to check). Price: $188. Size: 1". White still developing. Black will come in as fish matures.
  22. Only 1 pc. Going for $288. Size: 1". White still developing. Black will come in as fish matures.
  23. Wait for Aquarama, hoping for someone to bring in for me from U.S
  24. grouper larviculture here I come! where the big $$ lies..

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