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Everything posted by FuEl

  1. The false cleaner wrasse does not clean the fish. It eats the fish.
  2. Light might not be a crucial factor in keeping goniopora. Julian Sprung has managed to actually keep them successfully in a sump. I would guess the deep sand bed that provides planktonic food is more important to it's survival than ridculously bright lights.
  3. OMG...remove the plate coral it's dying.
  4. Watch out for any shrimp in your tank too.
  5. Just an update..tonight i saw my scooter blennies swimming together..amazingly..the female actually tickled the male's chin using her pectoral fin!
  6. I don't think camel shrimp eat anemones. Most likely picking off some debri.
  7. Polyps are mainly for catching planktonic prey. Even if they are retracted the sps will still be able to photosynthesize. You won't have to worry about it dying of starvation. It might just grow slower due to low prey capture rates.
  8. One of the nicest refugiums i have seen.
  9. Oh..i have those too..probably from ssome invert that live in the rock. Rather harmless fellows.
  10. more specifically it's from the genus anthelia. Much more hardy compared to xenia.
  11. Wow..one hell of a DEEEEEP sand bed.
  12. Okie..thanks..think I'll stick to manual dosing of saturated kalk. Heard of horror algae blooms associated with acetate.
  13. Yea... Also..ribbon eels are very good at escaping...along with other eels. So make sure your tank is properly secured. If your eel seems to be losing weight and not eating..drastic measure could include force feeding...whereby the mouth is opened gently with your hand and a small food item fed to the animal. Take care not to feed too big a portion..as the digestive system can be overloaded all of a sudden. Not a recommended method for very very weak animals.
  14. Eh? hehe.. What i meant to say was pour in the same amount that evaporated from the tank. Din know about the dilution thingy...heard somewhere about dilution with vinegar...so dilution with vinegar is recommended compared to dilution with water? I'm abit lost here...
  15. A picture would do miracles. At least we know what you are looking at.
  16. Hmmm...my tank bubbles like champagne after T5 switch over. Remind me of my planted tank last time..lolx
  17. hhuH? I thought brine shrimp hatch in the same salinity as seawater? Lower salinity possible meh? Anyway..Tanzy...so the difference between S.G and salinity is that salinity measures the percentage of salt in the water...while specific gravity actually measures the density of the water which actually varies with temperature?
  18. REMOVE THE ANEMONE NOW! It will be one of the first suspects and definitely the first victims to succumb to ammonia spike. It will be a catalyst in livestock die-off.
  19. Hmmm...I'm sure everyone has been thru this phase in the marine hobby. Compulsive buying? I myself have been thru it and managed to overcome it with experience..but time to time it still gets to me...although this time my resistance is higher. Everyone chill out!
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