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Everything posted by FuEl

  1. Oh..too bad you can't set different timings for different plug in points into the timer..
  2. Ah..then wat's with the different programme settings for different days? Kinda obsolete are'nt they if everything turns on at the same time?
  3. I have an electronic timer too...it can set different programmed timings per day also...but I have no idea how to make it switch on only certain plugs at certain times and not all of them at the same time..... Is it theorectically possible in the first placE?
  4. Try feeding cyclops..they will eat that too..
  5. Wonder who started the true perc trend...hope it's not me...
  6. fine bubbles + fine bubbles = big bubbles? Cyanobacteria are photosynthetic..they only liberate oxygen..not nitrogen. You do not find anaerobic bacteria with cyanobacteria as the oxygen liberated by cyano is enuff to kill the anaerobes. Also anaerobes tend to be inhibited by light. So where cyano is found there should be close to 0 anaerobes.
  7. A few days is not a very long time considered their lifespan. They could just be slowly starving to death.
  8. Came across this webby..think it's quite interesting... http://www.garf.org/1/spsmoved.html
  9. Toadstools and mushrooms Seahorses don't like bright light anyway. Softies will suit their tank fine. Maybe some algae to go along?
  10. CF has very high grade ones...the first time i went i saw an almost 100% snow white one and a 90+% blood red one.
  11. Erm..it might have injured its own mouth...check its mouth when it is breathing...see any visible injuries to the teeth?
  12. The small ones will eventually grow to that size anyway...hehe.. Anyway..bigger ones might be ready for spawning..providing free zooplankton for your tank.
  13. ? I asked the person..he said $25 for one perc...$36 for paired ones. How wrong could that get?
  14. It's best to put them in the shade. I'm not keeping them already as they always end up being smothered by diatoms.
  15. Bristleworms are more helpful in a reef tank than being commonly seen as a pest.
  16. Wah liew..dun so bad lah bwilly...at least look at their hardware?
  17. Might be due to diversion of energy resources from the lower areas that receive less light to the tips whereby growth would be concentrated on? Not so sure myself...just a guess..
  18. CF sells $25 for individual true percs... It's not that expensive considered the percentage of the body that is black.
  19. The bubbles are from photosynthetic micro-algae or cyanobacteria. As you have said the bubbles are formed on the sand bed. So obviously it's not from your DSB.
  20. Wow..the anemone must be so happy...quickly take it's precious inside.....
  21. It's MINE! ALL MINE! Myyyyyy precioussssssss
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