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Everything posted by FuEl

  1. GO FOR A GOBY TANK! Then i will have a fellow goby fanatic.
  2. With a kH that high your calcium levels will always be low. Best that you do a water change before you replenish ur calcium
  3. Calcium can be replenished by waterchanges using newly mixed seawater....usually not sufficient to keep up with growth of hard corals and coralline algae.. Or can be replenished via adding kalkwasser..which must be dripped to prevent drastic pH swings. Or if you are using calcium plus....it can be added manually but at a rate you are comfortable with..coz it's basically calcium chloride.
  4. wow...sometimes you wonder how they manage to dig the fellas up from the sea floor.
  5. I think 20ppm of Ca in your tank is way too impossible. wat Ca test kit are you using? My tank is about 6 months old..I only started dosing kalk about 2 months ago...and calcium plus about 2 weeks ago..and Ca measured today @ 510ppm.
  6. oh yes arcanehacker...keep away from those small cute looking bumblebee shrimps..unless you don't mind them disturbing your snails.
  7. Lettuce nudibranchs are actually one of the easiest nudibranchs to keep. They eat nuisance hair algae. Quite harmless if they die in ur tank if you ask me.. Anyway..mine died coz got sucked into surface skimmer..oh well...sh*t happens... I don't think the ones you saw are lettuce nudibranchs..not many ppl bring them in except places like PR.
  8. Now I know how to engineer my own animals......
  9. Depends how much you are talking about. Just measured my Ca levels using salifert test kit today..found it to be 510ppm..all my fishes n corals seem fine. Reducing it to 450 though.
  10. Use a marker pen and make a mark at your water level in your sump and top it up to that level everyday. If you not using sump then mark the water level on your main tank and top up to that mark.
  11. Hmmm..since you love garden eels so much you should drop by reb*rn from time to time..so far i saw they carry 3 species..got 1 species is dull orange one.
  12. we can't help unless you tell us what jellyfish you have..man-o-war?
  13. Of cause the evaporation will be less. Fans cool the water by evaporation. The more water evaporate, the lower the temperature can go. I am actually quite amazed that you only need top up water only 3-4 days a week. I need to top up 3-4 liters each day.
  14. Adult maroons and adult fire clowns are known to be clownfish intolerant. Just keep an eye when they start growing bigger.
  15. Starve the stuff of their FuEl (me )... Add in rowaphos.
  16. place them upright facing the light. No need to tilt them or anything. The 'mouth' is actually the siphon. They have 2 'mouths' one for water intake...the other is for ejecting the water. The one ejecting water looks like a thin tubing.
  17. Erm..wont adding garden eels defeat the purpose of a DSB?
  18. Yep..nautilus alright...shell grows by equiangular spirals.
  19. Saw many nice H.reidi at wat*rc*rcl*...and healthy looking anthias.. PR,....the salifert calcium test kits have arrived... lots of Short tentacled fungia, slipper coral and goniopora at reb*rn...saw one fungia with an orange mouth..but did'nt buy..coz spent a bomb on tank additives and Salifert Ca test kit..found my Ca to be 510ppm... Check out their 2nd storey...so many brands of stuff to choose from..and the display tank on top..got 2 VERY NICE sunburst anthias (identified by the guy as im not anthias expert).. They also have full range of salifert test kits..ranging from the common ones to calcium, iodine, phosphate and magnesium. Also available are tropic marine test kits which are quite reliable from what I heard by someone..
  20. If they can expand properly then it's ok..it they can't even expand properly then u should lower the flow
  21. put it right at the bottom and slowly shift it higher every week.
  22. I cheated. I used dead rock as the base..then live rock on top.
  23. Wahaha..you even better..what you intending to do with them once they grow big? Oh yes..they won't...you will only end up with one blue tang.
  24. ? Duno...never really calculate..i live in a giant sphere built onto the sea floor.
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