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Everything posted by FuEl

  1. The way things are given priority here is weird. For instance, bird flu has the potential to become the next big virus that will cause a massive human wipeout. And amazing how instead of paying more attention to health services, improving awareness, creating an alternative to chicken (so that we are not overly reliant on chicken..etc, geese, turkeys), they go around confiscating rocks. Not to mention the recent uproar on ###### whereby the police is involved. How are future teenagers gonna grow up? I worry for them. If ###### is supposedly illegal, I think >80% of guys in this country would be criminals already.
  2. I have a few plans for the future..yet to be realized..most recent one was mentioned earlier previous ones include breeding earthworms, breeding herptiles..of cause those would take place in somewhere else. It's not easy to be done here. Too much red tape.
  3. Try trapping them by placing their favourite corals in the trap.
  4. I wonder why does'nt anyone wanna try aquaculturing liverock in sg...won't that be beneficial for everyone in the long run? Maybe some ppl dun see the commercial potential of aquacultured liverock
  5. So frustrating..so many pictures of them on the net..but can't find any information on what do they feed on exactly. So far I notice they like to sample anything that is fleshy to the pinch. A little like guys...if you know what i mean..
  6. Found the scientific name It's Gnathophyllum americanum
  7. Hi..just want to know who else has bumblebee shrimps in their tanks. I have 2 in my tank. This morning before I left my house, the lights were still off, that was when the shrimps have more courage. I saw one sitting next to my baby maxima. Upon closer inspection of my baby maxima, I noticed it has little 'dents' in it's mantle. Looks like something had been nipping the mantle. I suspect it's the bumblee shrimp. Those who have clams better keep an eye on your shrimps. I first got interested in them because my fren kept them in his nano tank...there they disturbed his snails.
  8. If you skim out all the organics, what is the bacteria gonna feed on? They might still get some food...but the point is that they will take longer to establish themselves, meaning a longer cycling period.
  9. golden butterfly = red sea butterfly? If so, $70 is cheap for a fish. I remember few years ago when they were $200++ per fish.
  10. Crushed seashells will trap detritus. beware.....
  11. Oh yes..the reflector needs to hold 4 ft tubes. Best if around the edges of the reflector it can be bent downwards to about 80-90 degrees to minimise glare and to increase efficiency.
  12. Looking for people who can help me customize a aluminium reflector to hold 4 T5s. End caps will be the waterproof kind. I just need the reflector done. Other parts I have. I'm mounting the end caps directly on a pvc casing which will be glued on the reflector. Pls pm me your quotes. Thanks.
  13. Pic is below..condition deteriorated abit due to insuff food reaching the bottom polyps...can see skeleton..but should recover if fed enough. Anyway..epoxied the base for better balance if you want to stand it in the sand. Going for $10.
  14. Won't it be cool if one day people can genetically engineer this species? Then we can shrink them to fit into our fish tanks..then feed them cyclopeeze and krill.
  15. ? can what..just lean the small bottle on the rock..and wait for the crab to drop in
  16. Very tempted to get a XL blood shrimp..wonder if I should...
  17. hmm..why selling? Thought you gonna upgrade liao?
  18. Don't worry excessively..mushrooms are rather bullet proof.
  19. If you pour the water down too soon before it is fully dissolved it might shock your corals. Use tropic marin if you have no space or time to let it circulate for 24 hours before using it.
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