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Everything posted by FuEl

  1. 100% all Amphiprion allardi. Chrysogaster very obvious, the tail will be rounded & the color is very very different. Probable time you will ever see them is from Mauritius shipment with Gem Tangs.
  2. Looks just like my amelanistic black ocellaris except the yellow stripes.
  3. It's been >1 year since red sea fish appeared. Do not wait as we will never know when the next shipment will come again!
  4. Red sea shipment around 5pm at Iwarna. Red sea regals Sohal tangs Purple tangs Larabicus quadrilineatus 8-line fairy wrasse (only 2) Heniochus intermedius (only 1) WILD orchid dottybacks (limited)
  5. Red Sea shipment at 2 LFS today. Will update accordingly when stock arrives.
  6. Ich free tank is possible. That's with strict quarantine on every new addition. Be it fish, corals, or rock. Corals & new rock go into a fishless system for 1-2 months before entering display aquarium.
  7. You may try Fauna Marin Marine Soft Shrimp pellets. Available at Iwarna, MarineLife & Madpetz. Initiates very good feeding response in shrimp.
  8. Looking great. Good move in shading the scolymia in the beginning.
  9. Hi bro, You may wish to consider to include a surface skimmer. You can either modify the intake of the canister or you may add in a hang-on filter with surface skimming capability. For the diatoms if you are using tapwater you may wish to consider changing to distilled water or RO/DI water. Your diatoms will go away by themselves after this change.
  10. Can be done but as with all cultures you need to put in time & effort to maintain it. http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1998205 http://reefcentral.net/forums/showthread.php?t=2030920
  11. Came around 4.30pm. Very healthy, still many to choose from. Orange, blues, greens, pinks, purples, bi-colors & a few multicolors.
  12. 5 micron sock will help to trap the precipitate. I have 7" 5 micron socks if you are interested.
  13. Tested GP-233 8000L/H 70W 4.5m $285.00 against 1262, flow at least double for 10W less power.
  14. Should work in theory, faster growing algae like chaetomorpha can outcompete the unwanted hair/diatom algae for nutrients. The same principle is used for freshwater planted aquariums, it is advisable to grow faster growing plants in the beginning to outcompete nuisance algae when the tank is relatively new.
  15. Iwarna: orchid dottyback, sunrise dottyback, blue neon goby, black ocellaris, hybrid clownfish, regal angels, blue face angels, clown trigger, decora firefish, powder blue, blue tang, platinum clownfish, black snowflake ocellaris, etc
  16. Very limited pieces of black snowflake ocellaris available. Pic can be found at: Price: $160-$400 depending on grade.
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