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Everything posted by FuEl

  1. Yes...6mm should be sufficient. But it would be safer to go with 8mm sides and a 8 or 10mm base.
  2. I saw it before..never keep before..cause they grow too large for my tank..anyway..it certainly has the attributes of a deep water species..not sure if it is one. From the way it swims it might be using electromagnetic fields to locate food (not sure how correct i am)...maybe you could observe its activity after lights off. It might be more of a nocturnal species...
  3. The only thing I can think of that could be clouding up your water are your anemones. Normally before you can tell that an anemone is not doing well it is usually too late..
  4. give it 1 month than see how la..fins regenerate very fast.. here is how a xanthorhinica looks like http://www.fishbase.org/Photos/ThumbnailsSummary.cfm?ID=4311
  5. Bought this fellow a few days ago...was hoping that it could be Stonogobiops xanthorhinica instead of the common Stonogobiops nematodes...oh well..it certainly looked different to me..and it's not interacting with my 3 S.nematodes at all..even had the courage to chase my bulls-eye pistol.. Oh well...I'll gambled $6 for it...see what happens in a month from now....hopefully no dorsal fin extension.. Pic taken with flash..
  6. Nothing to do with temperature...I've had temperatures between 29 to 30 degrees for quite some time..don't see it affecting my clam in any way...
  7. zebra dwarf hermits and scarlet hermits.
  8. Think you could do a 50% waterchange and then let it fall naturally?
  9. Pls do take note..if the SLFs have no more algae to eat they will start on coralline algae.
  10. Just flip through books showcasing dive photos and nature photography...you don't see yellow anemones in there do you?
  11. No serious hobbyist uses liquifry marine anymore..more often than not they are using DT's phytoplankton or bioplankton. Liquifry is nothing more than eggs and yeast. Don't remember that corals eat eggs or yeast.
  12. Sad to see a whale shark and a sunfish in captivity...considering the space they have in the wild..amazing why no animal rights group made noise about it....what's next i wonder...basking sharks?
  13. Don't think so...baby cleaner shrimps are active hunters..they need live food like artemia.
  14. Maybe we should all equip ourselves with battery operated air pumps just in case huh..the type they use for fishing trips?
  15. It looks rather bleached..you might want to consider moving it with the rock to a higher spot of the tank where it can get more light intensity. It should recover faster that way..
  16. Reminds me of the story of the stork and the clam..
  17. wow...lucky east area not affected..if not can imagine alot of other reefers manually creating water circulation.. Anyway..the temporary temperature rise during power failure is not such an issue...our livestock are tropical anyway.
  18. not clam safe? how sure are you on this? Was thinking of getting 2..but won't if it will disturb my maxima..that's the reason why i sold off my bumblebee shrimps..
  19. At first I thought cleaner shrimp larvae fed on phyto too...but after reading up I was wrong. In captivity they will have to be fed enriched baby brine shrimp.
  20. Its not a good idea of keeping it in tropical areas. It's a temperate fish requiring temperates below 21-22 degrees celcius. Even if you have the equipment to keep them alive, imagine the countless amount of this beautiful species that will die during shipping, and during the acclimatization. So many individuals put at risk...just to see a few percentage of them being able to pull through and survive in captivity here. Not very humane if you ask me.....
  21. I can imagine people breeding ATs in the future..imagine whereby they are selected for their orange color...soon you'll be able to see 90% orange ATs? It's been done already for frogs...don't see why not ATs in the future..
  22. I'll take the orange plate..the one for $20..then maybe you can pick up your spirulina too? Sms me tomorrow if you are free.
  23. The unknown coral looks like a carpet anemone...
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