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Everything posted by FuEl

  1. Discus are not that hard to breed considering they are cichlids. They just need a good diet of beefheart, soft water, dim light, a cone to lay their eggs on. The babies will slimpy feed off the slime coat of the parents. For artificial raising you will need the egg yolk formula endorsed by jack wattley. F.Y.I I'm not a freshwater noob. I've bred red-eye emperor tetras (many folds harder to breed successfully compared to discus) and the fries survived in a planted community tank to semi-adults before I sold them off. Did'nt even had to feed with rotifers/bbs. From your response it just seems that somehow the way you respond somehow will come out as naturally rude to anyone who sees your posts. Just ask most people around and see if they agree. Maybe next time while you post you should proof read what you type as it has the tendency to come out in a way you probably did'nt intend it to. Anyway...apologies to blueheaven for hijacking his thread. Did'nt want to initially..but this guy is just getting on my nerves (probably on lots of other ppl's nerves too). I just can't stand his attitude! Anyway..good luck on your sales bro. Would have gladly bought the discus from you if I had'nt dismantled my planted tank.
  2. jason..why did'nt you just give the driver the finger while you're ahead of him?
  3. Actually in captivity they might be less stressed if you buy them singly. If you buy a group, territorial disputes, dominancy in a limited space such as a tank can bring alot of stress.
  4. Hey...what's that supposed to mean?!...Grew out of ###### long ago. Kinda boring don't you think? Only the real thing is fun... Anyway..those ADs were not porno in any nature..somehow installed themselves while browsing the net or installing other software.
  5. Finally found out why my computer getting slower and with stupid pop up ads all the time. Installed the trial version of norton antivirus 2004 and it detected a whole list of adware on my computer. Just spent 2 hours manually removing all of them. Now my com is so much faster. Adware sucks!
  6. Wat problems? The only problem is that the water does not shoot straight out anymore. Meaning I can put sps nearer without fearing their tissues being blown off. Anyway, I'm getting twice as much flow.
  7. Agree with Vincent. Phyto is more for filter feeders like tubeworms, scallops, clams, etc. Carnivorous corals like LPS and SPS depend greatly on zooplankton. Coralplankton & golden pearls are the best I find.
  8. To trap these worms..If I'm not wrong you will have to bait them. Put some fish or prawn meat into nylon stockings and tie them up. Leave the gunk in your tank after lights off and within hours all the worms will gather near the stocking.
  9. I suggest 250W so that you will not have to face the possibility of upgrading later on. Think about it. You could even place clams on the sand bed.
  10. Try starting slow like one squirt of both every 2 days or so. Slowly increase the dosing to the recommended level maybe over a period of a few months. Esp important for bioplankton as initially your tank might not have the maximum amount of filter feeders. For coralplankton you should be able to judge via the amount of corals you have. If you have lots of sps then just go for the maximum recommended dosage. That's wat I do.
  11. My first fungia I ever kept... Still waiting for it to extend its tentacles.
  12. 23 degrees celcius?! Did'nt your fish get whitespot after that? Corals did'nt freeze? Not advisable for temperature to drop so low. Lowest recommended temperature limit for tropical reef tanks is around 25 degrees celcius if I did'nt remember wrongly.
  13. Oh okie...always get mixed up.. Anyway...reddevils...no more yashia. stated in my post only got one yashia and shrimp pair already.. Anyway...@ ahbeng's place I think I saw a blasto too.
  14. Hmmm..I don't think the amount of liverock matters much. Just try to stack them in a sense that there is as much surface area of the sand bed exposed. Pvc/eggcrate racks could help.
  15. The first one once you come in by pasir ris drive 12. The one with one hardware section and one livestock section.
  16. I have a bristleworm in my tank that is gargantuan...has'nt done any damage but to steal pebbles and stuff to seal its burrow.
  17. I only know the common polkadot nudi (white with black spots) feeds on blue sponge. The rest I'm not sure.
  18. Was today at pasir ris farms...stocks are mentioned as by [JS] Stocks at ahbeng's place include bicolor dottybacks, purple firefish, tomato clowns, cherub angel, anemone shrimp, some croceas, etc. Would like to take this opportunity to thank the people at Ahbeng's place for their customer service. I'm not a regular there, however they did something that is quite commendable. I bought a yashia goby and pistol shrimp (alpheus randalli) pair from them this evening. The goby was a beauty, with a dorsal fin as long as the length of the goby itself. However, 45 mins after I bought it & I was on a bus back to the mrt, I noticed the goby spinning and breathing quite heavily in the bag. The shrimp was fine though. I got off the bus and took a cab back. Told the person about the situation and he willingly agreed to let me choose other livestock as replacement that is equal in value (since it was the only yashia and shrimp pair). In the end I exchanged it for a fungia. Really appreciate their gesture, if not I would have took cab back there for nothing.
  19. Heh...guess you were the one I met at eAquarist today huh? Anyway..cauliflowers are rather hard to keep alive in the long run, much less to propagate... unless you have an endless supply to natural seawater with enough zooplankton variety.
  20. FuEl

    DSB Sump Project

    Hmm..I don't use any wool at all. I can't bear the thought of it trapping uneaten food and then slowly letting the food rot when it is trapped. How often can you change wool anyway? For me I just let the water flow straight into the dsb compartment where any uneaten food would get consumed by microfauna. It's your personal preference.
  21. Stop giving non-constructive comments. No one will comment that you are mute. If you have something against freshwater fishes keep it to yourself. Discus are not that boring, nor are they worthless. Some wild-caught specimens can easily cost more than a black tang. Even certain small dwarf cichlid species are worth more than most marine fish you see around here.
  22. Muahaha..can't wait to see the skimmate.
  23. Slimpy add a lionfish or maybe a frogfish. Any predatory fish will do. Just make sure they can be caught out easily after that.
  24. My tank 4ftX1.5X1.5....I think 1200 is too strong...unless you direct it against the glass? Or maybe use the smaller maxijet model?
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