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Everything posted by FuEl

  1. Hmmm...Here's mine. Colored up from a grey color. The top opening is the intake. The side opening is the output. I don't target feed. I feed bioplankton to my whole tank.
  2. Looking for the above as my current pump is too weak in running both my return and my fluidized reactor. Best that the wattage is below 100W. On a $50 budget.
  3. It's a marsupial. From papau new guinea and australia. A very popular pet in America, just like ferrets.
  4. Hmm..sugar glider lor..looks awfully familiar to me.
  5. It's normal for dead things to harden up.. the term is rigor mortis.
  6. reminds me of a robo I kept..one day got it a new cage..but I think it did'nt know how to use the new water bottle..by the time realise it too late. It was too dehydrated..then few hours later become as hard as a rock.
  7. I dun like hamsters...their lifespan too short..
  8. Some tonga braching liverock can add some height to the landscape. Furthermore can mount sps frags on them.
  9. How tall would your tank be? If it's shallow you might want to try T5s out. They totally rock in output. They will save you alot of $$ in terms of replacement in the long run compared to using MH.
  10. Recommended retail price. One reason why I quitted planted tanks was partly due to the sharp rise in the RRP of the dennerle products like gold7. Gold7 rocks, especially if you have trouble with black brush algae. Your plants will take off like crazy.
  11. Actually don't really need to worry about the natural sunlight what. Will be beneficial to corals and clams. Blocking natural sunlight is more for freshwater setups, whereby phosphate levels tend to be higher hence the fear of algae bloom.
  12. Have decided not to buy livestock for the time being, investing in equipments first. Here is the monster...main body is to hold my rowaphos & contraphos konzentrate, the add-on is to be filled with Reefez activated carbon. Can't wait to set it up tomorrow. Then it will be Bioplankton and coralplankton and GPs everyday...Muahaha.
  13. Hmm..i never got any allergic reactions from these corals before..
  14. Hmm..interesting fish..but so far I've not seen it here before.. The price should be quite attractive too, since it comes from the carribean.
  15. Actually all corals will sting, it just depends on whether our skin is thin enough for the nematocysts to penetrate to cause real damage. Most corals won't be able to do much harm to human skin, with the exception of fire corals. Anyway, carpet anemones are quite strong in their sting, you don't feel the pain, but you can feel the 'stickiness'. Some people have allergic reactions to corals too.
  16. Wah...I dun mind being the guy...
  17. Hmm..sometimes our acclimatization might not give us the results we were expecting. Alot of other factors could come into play. For instance, holding facility before transport, acclimatization by dealers, capture stress, etc?
  18. No disturbance as in disturbance on a human or fish scale. If it's in the microfauna scale it would be beneficial. Denitrifying bacteria work in an anaerobic zone. It's not completely anoxic. Some oxygen still needs to be present for burrowing microfauna to survive. Actually between grade 1 and grade 0 sand I would prefer grade 1. Grade 0 seems too compact for stuff to burrow in.
  19. Probably time to get more critters for your sand bed. Those type which don't burrow too deep. Hopefully their movements help to release the gas slowly rather than allow a buildup. Not sure what animals would be appropriate as I'm not using DSB in my main tank..
  20. Use a needle syringe, do down into it and draw up a sample. Smell if got rotten egg smell, if so might be hydrogen sulphide building up..
  21. Nitrates not that bad lah...dun scare him...my nitrates slightly higher than his..
  22. Update on rambo.. Gotten from the first ML stock of yellowheads. ]
  23. A link to mine.. a very nice fish. http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...ic=12515&st=390
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