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Everything posted by FuEl

  1. Think you need to feed rotifers till around day 10. Once they are weaned onto prepare foods you can probably feed them once a day. Only thing is that they will grow slower?
  2. Be warned that if you manage to wean your mandarin onto frozen foods they can eat themselves to death literally. Control the feeding once you have succeeded, if not they will seem to be unstoppable gluttons. That happened when I was feeding P.E mysis.
  3. Some updates on camel shrimp and boxing shrimp larvae I'm currently having "fun" with.
  4. I second that. Could still have traces of copper in your tank if you did dose such medication when your tank only had fish.
  5. Wow did'nt know royal pleco so expensive. Where you release the red-tail catfish? Must make sure I go fishing there.
  6. Haha..now I sourcing for this. Dream gecko!!
  7. Never liked the look of bristlenose...always looked kinda creepy. I kept snowball pleco, P.vittata and one other one (pic below, never really got to looking up the scientific name). Albino snowball?! Wonder how it must look like..all white? Anyway, these guys seem to behave quite well in a planted tank. Did'nt create nightmares for me, which I feared initially. Only regret I have is not keeping zebra plecos before, was too expensive for me back then! I think a juvenile for over $100.
  8. It could be done. Just that you usually succeed only after you experience a few failures. Not to mention that most research is biased towards the commercial seafood industry. If more people took an interest to the culture of cleaner shrimps I'm sure there will be breakthroughs in future. Like the saying goes, "there is only so much one person can do". As such, I have decided to place a short write-up online on raising larvae of both the blood and the skunk cleaner shrimp. Just hope that it is of help to others who are interested in trying. http://www.ifmn.net/nachzuchten/garnelen_l...s_debelius.html
  9. Good lord! If you ever thought geckos were small.
  10. I have fragged yumas before. Frankly speaking the success rate is not very high. If you do try it is best to cut them through the mouth while they are attached on the rock as they will recover faster that way. Another way is to simply cut the yuma at the "stem". The "head" will grow a new foot and attach to substrate while the foot will grow a new "head". Give it good flow if not infection will set in. Always make sure the yumas are doing well before trying. Try not to cut a newly acquired or stressed specimen as it is almost always doomed to faillure.
  11. Best way to find a dog is to use another dog? Find someone with a sniffer dog to help out?
  12. Haha..even if real also can't afford to upkeep. Mite Spray - 55 Gallon Drum - $700 Worming Paste - 55 Gallon Tube - $900 haha I love this quote "Buying a dinosaur is a serious investment and these are not "throwaway" pets. We recommend that anyone considering purchasing a dinosaur, especially a large predator, please spend some time investigating their purchase. Their is nothing worse than having to explain to the local animal control why all the neigborhood cats, dogs, cows, paperboys, and UPS trucks keep disappearing around your house."
  13. Haha..even if real also can't afford to upkeep. Mite Spray - 55 Gallon Drum - $700 Worming Paste - 55 Gallon Tube - $900 haha I love this quote "Buying a dinosaur is a serious investment and these are not "throwaway" pets. We recommend that anyone considering purchasing a dinosaur, especially a large predator, please spend some time investigating their purchase. Their is nothing worse than having to explain to the local animal control why all the neigborhood cats, dogs, cows, paperboys, and UPS trucks keep disappearing around your house."
  14. Jewel tanks are ok for freshwater usage. For reef aquariums the options of upgrade/modifications are very limited.
  15. Land hermits definitely require alot of experience as they are much harder compared to fully aquatic species. Best to try the latter before you even try land hermits, then again success is not always guaranteed. To keep land hermits it is best to join a dedicated land hermit forum before you even attempt to keep the animal (I learnt the hard way). And nothing upsets me more than to see land hermits drowning in a tub full of ammonia laden seawater, with less than 5cmx5cm of land area (if it can be even considered one). They may be cheap animals to obtain at wholesale prices, but no reason to neglect them when they are being placed for sale. A good site for land hermits is http://www.hermitcrabassociation.com You will find that moulting is one of the major problems in keeping land hermits.
  16. Land hermits are not actually that easy to keep as most people proclaim. They will do well initially, but when they start to moult it's a different thing. I had the "priviledge" of taking care of strawberry land hermits that were all going into moulting phase. One by one they died on me as they failed to moult properly. The individual undergoing moulting needs to be separated from others, and kept away from ants as well. The ants killed the only hermit that I managed to have it moult successfully.
  17. Thanks for your interest~ Where will you be based at? Locally or overseas? Settlement means they metamorphose from larvae (pelagic) to postlarvae (benthic, resembling a miniature shrimp). The blood shrimps I raised all perished during vacation due to the person forgetting to change water, the cleaner shrimp is doing well (has moulted 3 times and exhibiting full adult coloration) and lastly the peppermint shrimps are growing up well (hitting 2cm soon).
  18. It's not that difficult to culture your own rotifers till they get quite dense. Most people who use frozen algae paste usually fail as they scale up their starter cultures too fast. For example if you have 300 ml of rotifer starter culture don't just dump them into 10 liters of water and feed microalgae paste. Rotifer growth is proportional to the algae density you maintain. Meaning if you feed the same density of microalgae paste to a larger volume of water chances are that most will be uneaten and will rot, affecting your water quality and your rotifers won't do well. So instead of seeing your rotifer population bloom you notice your rotifers not making much progress. If you feed microalgae always make sure by the next day the water is still a little green, if your water becomes clear you should increase the dose as most probably your rotifers are eating more. Try to get new cultures going by the time your culture is about 9-10 days old as older cultures are more prone to crashes. This means getting a new container with new seawater to start over with, not simply just diluting the current culture as it might be contaminated with other organisms like ciliates, which might affect the health of your rotifer culture. Oh ya for the clownfish larvae, best to use dark paper or cloth to shade the sides of the container. It helps the larvae to see the rotifers better due to better contrast.
  19. Lol..found a cute video on this site. Gecko doing push ups. Probably one of the nicest crested geckos I have ever seen. Fire orange, blue, white crested gecko
  20. http://www.geckoworld.net/forum/
  21. It's normal for leather corals to produce a mucus slough. It does this to remove detritus that has built up on it. The sloughs can be unsightly though.
  22. Nice shrimp. Helped you I.D it bro, from the pic it appears to be Periclimenes venustus.
  23. How well an anemone recovers depends on its original health. For example, healthy carpet anemones can easily be fragged successfully just by slicing them in half through the mouth.
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