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Everything posted by FuEl

  1. Drop me a pm if you still require rots. I feed the excess to my tanks anyway.
  2. Hi Kareen, is it nannochloropsis? I'm looking for Isochrysis (Tahitian strain). Currently starting from algae disk but looking for a back-up in case the disk culture fails to start up.
  3. Seen one at AhBeng's last Sunday. There also seems to be one related species in the trade quite often, just that it's yellow.
  4. Apologies to those whom I cannot match my schedule. Will only be free on weekdays (except this Tuesday) after 7pm and on weekends (hopefully in the mornings). It would be best if interested parties can self-collect if not it might take some time for me to get back to you.
  5. Thanks for the kind words. Actually there is someone helping me in this aspect. It's rather impossible to manage alone. I would like to clarify that the peppermint shrimps in the trade imported nowadays are likely to be L. boggessi and not L. wurdemanni as previously claimed. However, it takes aiptasia as well.
  6. As promised. $10 per pc. 3 months old.
  7. Ahbeng has small cleaner shrimps, lots of flame hawks, 2x helfrichi
  8. Pseudochromis steenei pair - $40 (both fish are about index finger length, male from coralfarm) Ogilbyina novaehollandiae pair - $90 (rather peaceful for a medium sized dottyback, left my black ocellaris alone) Fish have been in quarantine for months. Reason for selling: Focusing on other breeding stock. Both species are sexually dimorphic. Need to have a large tank and plenty of hiding places as these are not as mellow as orchid dottybacks. Interested parties just pm me. Take note that P. steenei requires a species tank or it will make it one.
  9. All reserved. There will always be more so don't worry.
  10. Last 5 shrimps going for $50 on the condition of self-collection.
  11. Pack 2 reserved till this weekend. Decided to split the remaining 10 into 2 packs. 5 for $60.
  12. Broodstock originated from Iwarna few months ago. Shrimps range from 1cm - 2cm from telson to tip of rostrum. They are about 2-3 months old. Fast growers, parasite free. Prefer to sell in 2 packages due to time constraints. Pack 1 - 10 for $100 Pack 2 - 5 for $60 Collection in east, near Bedok mrt, after office hours.
  13. Only left with Neon dottybacks.
  14. Blue neon goby - $35 each Neon dottybacks - $100 each No pics. Viewing can be arranged during weekends. Not on a first come first serve basis, priority given to those I know. For arrangements pm me. Collection in Bedok.
  15. http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthre...st8626346\
  16. The pictures for both clones can be found at: http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthre...st8626346\ or *automatically censored link* Photos were taken as of today, after collecting them from the "babysitter's" place. So they are still a little stressed. Estimated fully expanded size is around palm size max. Decided to place them up for bid starting at $50 each, minimum increment $1. Bid ends next Thursday at midnight. Collection will be arranged on the coming weekend. Got a free golden barred maroon clown (half pinky finger length) to give away if the buyer is interested. Pls give me some time to respond as I'm busy with army.
  17. CS larvae are tough in the beginning but you will experience mass die-offs once they get older. That's just the way it has been and it seems to stay that way until someone figures out why. Those seem to be juvenile & adult mysid shrimps already. There are many species of mysid shrimp and each species will be different. http://www.advancedaquarist.com/issues/sept2003/breeder.htm
  18. Selling 1 mature male neon dottyback. $120. Interested parties pm me.
  19. Newly released CS larvae are smaller than that (about 2mm plus) and look totally different. The organisms in the pic looks more like mysis. Easy in the beginning, hard at the end.
  20. Try Florida aquafarms. Ordered my culture plates directly from them. Shipping costs are low so don't worry. Be prepared to wait though, I waited about 3 weeks I think.
  21. Use small hook and try fishing off east coast. Think I caught this fellow before.
  22. Recent shipments in the past few months have been a bad experience. Out of 10 royal grammas purchased on separate occassions, only 1 survived. Acclimatization was done properly and those which actually began feeding on the day itself died within 3 days with gills inverted out. I give up.
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