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Everything posted by FuEl

  1. http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=83589
  2. $2200 SGD..I don't print $$... Have one Hawaiin mask angel coming too. A female. I believe is going for around 12K+ SGD.
  3. Got my hands on ocellaris Thailand wild morph... white dorsal fin.
  4. One of their customers letting off 1 extra pair. Asking price is about the price of 3 gem tangs in Singapore. Go figure..
  5. Wrought Iron and Carmabi in Thailand. Even Mccullochi clownfish. Believe I saw a Centropyge interruptus as well. Will see if I can take photos tomorrow. Seen them the other day but never take photo.
  6. Nice. I've always preferred shallow tanks. Easy to view from the top. Get to see colours which will not be visible through the glass.
  7. Lionfish will only eat fishes or crustaceans which can fit into their mouth. Anything they cannot tackle they will not eat. I am keeping an adult fuzzy dwarf lionfish with a breeding pair of black ocellaris.
  8. See whether have or not.. Some things even have $$ also must wait damn long...I've only see this lionfish once..seen more gem tangs than this lionfish.
  9. Just when I thought I could pass you a leather frag...
  10. Glad to say the fins have healed up pretty well. Very greedy fish..
  11. It would help if you could specify which species you are looking for.
  12. Is it floating? If so it might be a swim bladder issue. Rather doomed if this is the case. Is the fish still feeding?
  13. The so-called latifasciatus at namamugi have been sold. I am still stumped by the white tail. All reference I have read points to a yellow tail. http://namamugi.ocnk.net/product/1457 The ones at B-Box still available. SGD $914 per pc. Expected pricing for rare clowns, still cheaper than Mccullochi clowns though. http://www.b-boxaquarium.com/shopdetail/00...0202/brandname/ http://www.b-boxaquarium.com/shopdetail/00...0203/brandname/ And B-Box has A. tricinctus! SGD $120. http://www.b-boxaquarium.com/shopdetail/00...0196/brandname/
  14. Check with Coralfarm. Not sure if they still have. 4-5 days ago they still have them.
  15. Emerald crabs and lettuce nudibranchs are reserved. Clavularia, harlequin shrimp and blue stripe pipefish still available.
  16. Lettuce nudibranchs have been reserved. Attached is a picture of the clavularia colonies. Picture taken with flash.
  17. Also one blue-stripe pipefish, feeding on frozen mysis. $10.
  18. Selling 4 x lettuce nudibranch (Tridachia crispata) - $15 each or all 4 for $50. Selling waaay below my cost so please do not bargain. Selling as I do not have time to work on breeding them as yet. 2 colonies of clove coral (Clavularia). Opening very well. Light purple base with green tips. $17 each or $30 for both. Harlequin shrimp (Hymenocera elegans) pair. Each shrimp is about 2". $50 for the pair. Will throw in a blue linckia seastar for feeding. Emerald crab pair (Mithrax sculptus), reported to tackle bubble aka Valonia algae. - $30 nett. Collection will be in Marine Parade. Drop me a pm if interested. I aim to clear by next weekend before I head overseas.
  19. Iwarna has paired black ocellaris and hybrid clowns (percula x black ocellaris). Black ocellaris around 1.5-2" and hybrid clowns around 2-3". LCK 201 has many XL sized blood shrimps and XL sized skunk cleaner shrimps. CF has hawaii shipment arriving tonight.
  20. CF came in once. About 3-4 pcs. Most D.O.A only 1 pc dying when I was there. Apparently they were not collected very well.
  21. Raising pH first would be less stressful. If you raise both salinity and pH at the same time the fishes will have to cope with 2 changing parameters.
  22. I have no experience with deni balls. Not sure if the effluent from them is acidic. Test the effluent. If it is acidic, stop running it for the time being. I would correct the pH issue first, raising salinity back up needs to be done slowly. If done slowly the pH swing will drag out and put more stress on the fish. Once pH is in normal range then work on your salinity. Try not to increase pH more than 0.1 per day.
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