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Everything posted by FuEl

  1. Grade B is due to the white bars almost joining, although on one piece it does kind of join on one side. Liveaquaria deems picassos to be perculas with irregular barring. http://www.liveaquaria.com/DIVERSDEN/ItemD...&ddid=78230
  2. All corals collected already.
  3. Wow...golden eye zoanthids.
  4. Have the following percula clownfish pair for bid. Reason for selling is that I have re-paired some of my clownfish and am letting off the extra pair. Fishes are free of brookynella. One of the pair has been with me for about 2 months, the other has been with me for about a month. I bought these guys as paired fishes from CF (they were paired with different partners), not cheap. Starting bid $55. Minimum increment $5. Bid ends Wednesday, 6th Jan, 2359 hrs SRC time.
  5. Have the following frag for bid. Photo taken under ATI blue plus and Aquablue special, without flash. Collection will be in Marine Parade. Starting bid $25, minimum increment $1. Bid ends wednesday, 6th January, 2359 SRC time.
  6. I have 2 rocks of candy apple green zoanthids, 1 rock of normal beige zoanthids. 2 colonies of clove coral, one is purple, the other purple with green tips. Interested pm me. Would prefer if someone can take everything. Collection in the east. Do bring own pail and bags.
  7. Does Solo77 represent ML? He is just a SRC member...not ML.
  8. Hi Daryl Tsc, As much as I do want to help you get it done properly, the fact that your posts in this forum in the last 3 months (or even more) are all in the Aquarium-related and non-related Pasar Malam sections, it is very hard to convince the rest that your posts are not of a commercial nature.
  9. Bulk orders can be posted, it is a free community. That's what lemonlemon meant when you asked him whether you could post in that section. We are not restricting anyone from posting. Whether or not the management approves it eventually is another thing altogether. We decide whether to let the thread stay based on several criteria. Solo 77's bulk order stated a specified quantity, had a specific deadline, went through a local agent and he even offered to come up with the money first. It's not about our sponsors selling a specific product, they have not even made noise. The one making noise should be the agent for Prodibio, which is not even a SRC sponsor. We are in no way pressured by sponsors to close your thread.
  10. ? How do you qualify it as double standard? How often has other people been letting off things as frequently as you? We have been very patient in this matter and have refrained from making public information which we have obtained. If you do wish us to publish such information it can be done.
  11. SRC is not ebay. If you do happen to have so many things to let off setting up an Ebay account would be more appropriate.
  12. Harlequin bass. http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...84732&st=20
  13. If only..... http://www.ozanimals.com/Fish/Eastern-Blue...s/bleekeri.html
  14. Any gems from the north today?
  15. Don't worry Daryl, it is not so easy to be banned. The reasons for thread closure for the Prodibio bulk order has been explained. The bulk order can go ahead if you do it the right way. That would be setting a $ amount to reach before placing the order and stating a clear definite deadline for orders to be placed. Without this, it does give the wrong impression to many, not just the SRC management. From your post in the first page, it does seem the order has already been placed even before you had taken orders.
  16. Reed Mariculture's Shellfish diet.
  17. Water, airstone, pods and shellfish diet.
  18. Check your TDS. The DI resin might have been exhausted. Diatoms can only grow with silicates, it is their essential nutrient.
  19. http://www.reefcorals.com/shopping/pgm-mor...id=140&=SID Tsk tsk..
  20. I identified it as a purple colt coral, Cladiella sp. Now to look out for pink Sinularia. http://www.oceanviewenterprise.com/Eng/SoftCorals/1.html
  21. For both corals and fish, even for invertebrate larvae. Now I using Oceanic. It's my most economical solution so far. Coralife hard to find nowadays.
  22. I use oceanic and coralife. No problems.
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