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Everything posted by FuEl

  1. If only flamboyant cuttlefish were as easy as these guys..
  2. Check it out at liveaquaria. Purple passion and Lemon tree.. http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/aquariu...c=597+1492+2295
  3. Yes. Just that figuring out which are the photosynthetic ones will need a little experimentation.
  4. Sunburst anthias spotted at Ahbeng. Monti-caps at both Iwarna and Ahbeng.
  5. Check this out! http://glassbox-design.com/2010/stereoneph...arnation-coral/ I grabbed some colonies of Stereonepthya from Iwarna today. Takes a little luck in figuring out which are the photosynthetic ones.
  6. Realize I should downscale my collection, no point keeping so many pairs which would'nt be breeding any time soon.
  7. FuEl

    Filter socks

    Sun dry under natural sunlight. Sunlight breaks down the bleach. If you afraid after the sock dries you can wash it in a bucket again and add anti-chlorine before using.
  8. Thanks. Will be putting up one more pair for sale once that pair is out of quarantine for me to do my re-pairing.
  9. FuEl

    LED bulb

    Nice. The light looks a little bluish too? I have tried this bulb holder but my bulb is too heavy for it.
  10. I'll be giving away some of my "miracle gunk". It's skimmate coloured water but it does'nt stink. Filled with hundreds or even thousands of copepods smaller than the size of baby brine shrimp. You just need to decant it to get the copepods. Who's interested?
  11. FuEl

    Filter socks

    My friend ordered for me. Not sure he order from where. But a reefer is ordering from marinedepot.com in bulk order forum. They have filter socks too. http://www.marinedepot.com/Marine_Depot_20...IFMMEFS-vi.html I would recommend at least 2, optimal would be 3. So that you have enough socks to rotate between cleanings.
  12. Wah bro I only give some advice... never expect you to bid..
  13. FuEl

    Filter socks

    If you use it before your tank is running it should limit detritus in the sump. I used it after my tank was running so there is already detritus in my sump, but no more will end up there. Almost no particles passes through it as it is 200 microns, very very fine. Even baby brine shrimp gets trapped by this. Washing is not hard. I just soak it in bleach and let the bleach do its job. I bought 2 socks so while one is being bleached & dried the other is doing its job.
  14. The ich parasite is going through its life cycle. Very soon the fish could be covered in spots again. The spots actually fall off the fish, and divide and burst. Upon bursting the parasite is free swimming and can re-infect your fish again.
  15. Suppose you should be looking for a male. Females are the larger of the pair.
  16. Got my hands on my filter socks shipped directly from the states. These are 200 micron filter socks, so efficient at removing detritus that I need to clean mine every 3 days to prevent it from clogging. Limitations of the usual filter wool is that once it gets clogged, water tends to flow around it rather than through it. Cleaning is simple, soak in bleach for 24 hours. Wash it till there is almost no chlorine smell and leave it to air dry in the sun for 24 hours. After which it can be used again.
  17. I get loads of pods daily from siphoning the algae detritus from my fibreglass tub. I literally have thousands of copepods, most of which end up being flushed. If anyone wishes to separate the algae detritus from the copepods you are more than welcome.
  18. Water parameters are not stable for newly-mixed seawater. Some brands of salt mix to an unsually high pH, aerating the water will bring the pH back down to normal values. If your tank volume is large enough you might not notice any difference in mixing direct and adding to your system. If the tank volume is small there can be very big shifts in water parameters like pH.
  19. HOB filters can be used if you can modify the intake to be connected to a surface skimmer. This prevents the protein film from building up at the water surface which will affect gas exchange. For such a small tank, skimmerless if possible if you are careful with your bioload and feeding. I would still strongly encourge weekly water change as this will not only remove organics, it will also replace trace elements in such a small tank. Frequent water changes will solve your water parameters and trace elements issue. Just make sure you let the newly-mixed seawater aerate for at least a day before using it for water change.
  20. Wait till you see the jellybean color one from Aussie..
  21. Well done. Hope you can resist any urge to add anything which might introduce aiptasia or hydroids. The bane of young seahorses..
  22. Petrel is not Vincent. From what I know Vincent has been too busy to post.
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