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Everything posted by FuEl

  1. Shipment will not be delayed. 2 pcs of reserved Lipogramma klayi coming. The reefing scene is progressing.
  2. So much soft corals that many people have not even heard of. Check out the Pulsing SINULARIA :eyebrow:
  3. You cannot trick me..looks like a plastic replica.
  4. http://www.thefragguys.com/other.html Check out the Nuclear Powered Sinularia..one wicked sick coral.
  5. This fish must have been in captivity for quite some time. I could never get marine bettas to eat pellet..
  6. In another 10 days if all goes well.
  7. If one leather costs SGD $6. How much will 100 of them cost?
  8. Also hunting this down, the xenia on steroids.
  9. Because hardly people bring in. Lack of exposure = no demand. Same with the Australian corals. Last time no one bring in, no one ask for them.
  10. While we are at super neon green soft corals, I will be getting my hands on the ultimate leather coral soon. Looks very much like this. Price wise, not cheap. Worth about the same as 100 normal leather corals.
  11. Recently got a small colony of Super Neon Green Sinularia from Australia shipment. Surprised no one grabbed this gem. I cannot capture its greeness but this photo more or less illustrates the color. Super Neon Green Sinularia
  12. Admin is notified, there should be some answers by tonight.
  13. Lemon enough for you? Notice the yellow sea squirt as comparison.
  14. Depends how you look at it. Consumers will feel that it's bad. LFS will feel that it is good, they still get to retain their customers. If everyone buys a coral at $50 and sells half of it for $25 to another person, the LFS will lose another customer. If LFS closes down because of this, the entire hobby will suffer. Reefers who have been in the hobby long enough will remember the Paradiz Reef scenario.
  15. Agreed dachkie. The bidding system is comparable to gambling at casinos. Can we stop people from bidding way above their budgets like how people end up losing everything at casinos? No. The person who is bidding should be mature enough to make a judgement call. P.S Your Dac-mobile looks better in its new color. If everything is cheap, there will be no progress in this hobby. If everyone wanted Arowana cheap, the Arowana hobby would probably still be stuck at silver Arowanas. Rising prices for is not necessarily a bad thing. In the long term, it will help drive the hobby forward towards responsible reefkeeping. Look at the amount of clowns that are killed just because they cost $1. If they cost something like $5, much less lives would have been sacrificed as compulsive buying is curtailed. Rare/unique pcs of coral/fish deserve to have their premium pricing, to reduce the number of irresponsible people from purchasing them. I never have a good impression of prices being dumped. Consumers naturally feel benefited, but have they truly thought of the long term repercussions? They could end up solely relying on a single supplier to supply what they want, as others will not dare to bring in the stock. If that single supplier brings the price back to norm after the price-war, consumers will feel that they have been "carroted" and not buy the stock. What you get is..the possible total disappearance of a particular species from the local hobby scene as no money can be made already. For instance, the hawaiin yellow tang. Do you guys know that no money can be made from the sale of this fish in Singapore?
  16. Sample of some insane zoanthids that can be found in Australian waters. http://www.australiancoralfarms.com.au/corals/zoanthus
  17. Reborn's shipment. Opening from 1am-4am on 20th Feb (Saturday). FISH LIST starcki damsel fijian damsel purple chromis woodheadi angel rainford butterfly laboutei fairy wrasse lineatus fairy wrasse scottorum fairy wrasse leopard wrasse not chaoti!! yellow lunar wrasse blue assessor pictilis anthias (male/female) western blue devil yellow head hulahula SOFT CORAL cookies&cream - cladiella species cookies&cream (long tenticle) - cladiella species dendronephthya species star polyps palythoa/zoanthid yellow sarcophyton green sinularia
  18. Who could that person be? Since talking about rics, here is some eye candy for your thread. Some of my collection.
  19. I notice that the outlet size recommended is smaller compared to the intake size. I am running a 1262 following this recommendation and the flow is OK. Recently I ran another 1262 in my sump, with no restriction on the intake. The bigger outlet size was fitted to accomodate 25mm Eheim hose, as opposed to the smaller outlet fitting recommended on the Eheim website. The flow was so much stronger. I could now supply water to twice the amount of tanks with this pump. Is there a reason for restricting the pump? Will the power consumption be the same regardless of the size of the outlet fitting used?
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