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Everything posted by FuEl

  1. http://reefbuilders.com/2009/05/29/platinum-percula-clownfish-ora/ http://reefbuilders.com/2009/08/06/wyoming-white-clownfish-cquest-ocellaris/ Notice the more reflective coloration of the platinum percula.
  2. The price is naturally high because in U.S these fish retail for around USD $300 per pc (used to be more than double that when first released). So if you buy 2 and get 1pc for SGD $450, it really is'nt such a bad deal. Furthermore you don't absorb the risk of DOA.
  3. Platinum clowns are $500 per pc or $900 per pair.
  4. I only got 1pc. Joe got the other. We got them just for the genes. Platinums will not look white when put side by side with a Wyoming White, instead they seem to have a silver shade.
  5. Different species bro. Those are platinum perculas, rather frequently available now. I've got one as well but paired to a picasso percula. The fish I posted are Wyoming White ocellaris, very likely the only few specimens in Singapore, some are with another friend. These fish are in very high demand and almost unobtainable due to low stocks. The white in them looks more natural.
  6. Don't worry. The official distributor for Fauna Marin in Singapore has ordered them in. Estimated retail pricing will be around $35-$40 sgd. You can get those construction expanding foam locally but those usually come in colors which are either pale green/beige and will be an eyesore for reef application if not covered properly.
  7. Foam the back lah. Make it 3d, why need Oyama? Check out http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=1300282
  8. It's probably Plesiops coeruleolineatus.
  9. It all boils down to the copepod species you would be culturing. Most copepods sold for aquarium use are harpacticoid copepods (benthic). Little or no aeration would be better for them as they need the food particles to sink/settle in order to feed on them. On the other hand, calanoid copepods (pelagic) like Acartia tonsa require aeration as they need their food items to be suspended in the water column in order to feed.
  10. Good luck IDing them all. ID the white Fiji one for me?
  11. http://www.liveaquaria.com/diversden/ItemDisplay.cfm?c=2733+3&ddid=90595 Tank bred Latezonatus clownfish.
  12. Some better photos. Definitely better quality than the adults I brought in.
  13. No need go so low. 1.010-1.013 would be what I recommend. Anything below 1.010 long term is not good for the fish. Fish should be dunked straight into hypo, provided pH matches. This is what causes parasites to fall off due to osmotic shock. Acclimatizing them to lower salinity defeats the purpose. It's only when raising the sg back up that you need to do it slowly, although some fish like clownfish can go from 1.010 to 1.020+ within a day without any issues. Skimmers work at 1.010, tried and tested. Will pass you my 9W UV, should be better than not using any. Must show that it is possible to have an "ichless" tank!
  14. Go slow on the bubbling (1 bubble per 1-2 secs will suffice), as well as the feeding. If you want to know the species of copepod, it is Tisbe biminiensis.
  15. Get a racoon butterflyfish. This fish loves anemones for every single meal.
  16. Introducing Pseudochromis sankeyi, a species that is almost unobtainable outside the U.S. This species is found in the Red Sea just like the orchid dottyback and is a very peaceful species that can be kept in groups. The parents are likely the first fishes in Singapore and the breeding of this species is probably the first in Asia. Larval stage took around a month. Did not want to stress the fish so I just took a quick snap.
  17. Probably a bacterial infection of some sort. Best if you can catch it out and furan it. Other anti-bacterial medications could work as well.
  18. UV kills everything that is exposed to it. Even your eyes... Better check if UV will affect the silicon.
  19. Yes. That only applies to sea cucumbers as their food is found mainly in the substrate. You can't control where snails go, their favourite food grows on glass.
  20. You will know by their behavior. If they climb your rocks and tank walls it means that they do not have enough food. If you overstock sea cucumbers you will notice them climbing very soon as they do not have enough food to go around in the sand. If not, they stay put on the sand.
  21. 3.5ft x 3.5ft of sand. Then keep these 2 fish in it, juveniles of course.
  22. Sea cucumbers. If you want to have one which does not climb your tank walls, go for tiger-tail sea cucumbers.
  23. New dottyback species bred. Photos will be released very soon.
  24. Quite hardy animals. You don't have to feed them directly, they will eat whatever scraps they can find. As with all other crustaceans, try to keep your nitrates below 10ppm. High nitrates are bad for crustaceans.
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