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Everything posted by FuEl

  1. You probably need better quality pics to get onto fishbase. Maybe can ask DA to help.
  2. True. The wonders of Google-fu. Funny why someone would put the species name of a newly discovered species up on the internet without a photograph of it.
  3. Lol..imagine the photos of a newly discovered fish..out..even before the academics publish it.
  4. And to think I threw back their egg mass.
  5. http://fishpix.kahaku.go.jp/fishimage-e/search?START=42764&FAMILY=&SPECIES=&LOCALITY=&FISH_Y=&FISH_M=&FISH_D=&PERSON=&PHOTO_ID=&JPN_FAMILY_OPT=1&FAMILY_OPT=1&JPN_NAME_OPT=1&SPECIES_OPT=1&LOCALITY_OPT=1&PERSON_OPT=1&PHOTO_ID_OPT=2 Omobranchus fasciolatoceps?
  6. Pavo is out. From: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/bc/Salaria_pavo_DSCF9189.jpg So different from the ones we got. If brachiosaurus blenny can be found in QLD waters, it can get quite tropical, which means they might be able to adapt to local waters.
  7. http://glassbox-design.com/2010/brachiosaurus-blenny-omobranchus-anolius/ "The Brachiosaurus Blenny is native to Australia’s shallow waters among shallow mud flats and mullosc beds. It is often referred to as the Oyster Blenny for its habit of living inside (deceased) oyster shells! O. anolius has been scientifically documented from Spencer Coast, South Australia to the Quensland cost of the Gulf of Carpentaria, with suspected occurrence further into Victoria (Springer 1975)." Given the movement of ships around Singapore I will not be surprised if this species somehow managed to hitch a ride of mussells or oysters attached to the bottom of ships.
  8. Selling 1 female Stenopus scutellatus for $70. This species is rarely available, the first occassion these appeared in Singapore was more than 4 years ago. This year is the second time I have seen this shrimp being imported again. You can differenciate this species from the Indo-pacific Stenopus cyanoscelis from the red mouth parts that the Indo-pacific species lacks. This species is very peaceful, I am keeping the shrimp with nano gobies in a small 3 gallon tank. Reason for selling: Bought 3 shrimp in hopes of getting a pair. Turns out all are female.
  9. You need Phycopure! If 9 different species of live marine algae can't sustain these guys I'm not sure what can. http://www.tidalgardens.com/pages/coral/dendronephthya.html
  10. They do squabble, but blennies don't kill each other.
  11. I have 4 tailspots if anyone is interested. Decided to lower my bioload. Letting off 2 pieces, realized I might have a breeding pair.
  12. Algae and salt deposits can make the swing-arm slightly heavier and affect the reading of your specific gravity.
  13. Wow. The fish looks exactly like the unidentified yellow-tailed basslet without the black stripe. Maybe they are the same!
  14. There you go. My attempt more than 2 years ago. http://www.marinebreeder.org/phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=166&t=1981&hilit=banggai
  15. In a community aquarium it is not uncommon for the male to abort the spawn before it hatches. If you do wish to save the fry, wait till you can see eye spots in the embroys being mouthbrooded by the male. Then catch out the male. Usually the male would have spit out the eggs by then. If not you can gently pry open its mouth with a soft plastic card and he will spit out all the eggs. You can tumble the eggs with water until they become free swimming fry. Then just feed with enriched baby brine shrimp.
  16. Diatoms cannot grow without silicate. Silicate is like oxygen to them. Remove your silicate input & your diatom will go away after they have exhausted the silicates in your water. This is done by using a RO/DI unit to treat your tapwater before use. Diatoms are brown. If what you are seeing is purple, it is cyanobacteria. This solved by getting the phosphates out of your water by running some phosphate removal medium. Increasing water flow around that area will help as well.
  17. Wish I could lower it further but there is no wholesale price for this product at the moment. Honestly speaking, the margin on this product is pathetic even though I brought in 30 packs (already 600usd worth of epoxy excluding shipping). Put it this way..in order to cover back my cost, I need to sell 23 packs out of 30 packs.
  18. Dead food should always be refrigerated, especially after opening. Oxidation will occur and it will affect the nutritional value of the product.
  19. I realized that they will kill the urchin.. A large urchin might be able to withstand the torture better..
  20. Yes wilson, the texture is just like bubble gum, not chewing gum.
  21. Yes, this can be used underwater. There is no difference in curing time in/out of water. Once it is cured, you can remove it like normal epoxy by breaking it off. You should not use this to replace your superglue gel for smaller frags as it will be very expensive to do so. This product should only be used for larger frags in which you do not wish to use an exorbitant amount of normal epoxy/superglue which will make the look ugly. As it is very soft when initially kneaded, it is very easy to work with underwater. You only need to hold your rocks for around 1min40secs after the 20secs of kneading. By then the epoxy would have hardened, you can safely release the rocks and reinforce with additional normal epoxy if you wish. If you use this product wisely, it can last you a long long time.
  22. You guys should check out the Gem Tang in ML's display tank. It has become a zebra tang.
  23. Hi Wilson, My stock for the epoxy has arrived. I have tried it personally and it works as claimed. Totally changes the image for epoxy. http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=89398&pid=922377&st=0&#entry922377
  24. http://www.rareclownfish.com/forums/f12/sexing-yasha-gobies-957/
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