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Everything posted by FuEl

  1. Urocaridella sp. C still available at MarineLife. These are not your typical common shrimp. The last time these shrimp came in was around 8 months ago.
  2. just finished surgery on his latezonatus clown

    1. yikai


      so brave. i dare not even dare to see you do it. dr fuel.

    2. FuEl


      Lol..acupuncture of the eye

    3. Terryz_
  3. I will be passing him praziquantel, the same stuff used in prazipro. There will not be any side effect as any excess medication in the water can be removed via water change or activated carbon. The medication will also be removed by protein skimming.
  4. tailspot blenny laid eggs, tiger goby laid eggs, neon goby laid eggs, green banded goby laid eggs..don't know which one to raise..

    1. iskay


      Raise All

    2. Terryz_


      Green Banded and Tiger Goby... Confirm got market...

    3. pokmingsheng


      wow FuEl... you're really good at breeding man...

  5. Flukes and tapeworms are probably the cause for many unexplained fish deaths. Just because everyone ignores it does'nt mean it is'nt there. If I could make an estimate, I would estimate that at least 60-70% of marine aquariums here will have flukes.
  6. Fret not the fluke killer is here!

  7. Told you flukes are common. FW dips will only remove the adult flukes. Eggs will not be affected. If a tank has fishes with flukes, you need to treat the entire tank to rid it of flukes. Dipping fish in freshwater will only be a temporary relief. The flukes will come back once the eggs hatch. Most healthy fish can resist a small fluke attack but a large population of flukes can be deadly.
  8. boohoo...cry me a river

    1. onizukaa


      y bro hope you ok

  9. Tunicates are highly efficient filter feeders capable of filtering 100 gallons per day.

  10. Damn I should have just sold my blue hybrid dottybacks to Blue Habour.
  11. ? All my fishes died. Have to wait another 2-3 months. I have neon gobies now but they are so small they will probably go into the overflow of the IQ3.
  12. Yes it is dead. You do not need live algae to culture rotifers, frozen algae works all the time.
  13. http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=89416 I have stock for frozen nanno, will announce next week.
  14. I have larvae already. My Elacatinus macrodon also have eggs now.
  15. Sometimes I ask myself whether the work & effort is even worth it for a fish that will sell for $20+. If I had invested the same amount and time in freshwater fish like zebra plecos I would definitely be covering my costs more easily.
  16. sigh..petty acts

    1. yikai


      ignore them. no use getting worked up over such things.

  17. Why not just Tee-off from your return pump?
  18. Interesting observation. I have never seen harlequin shrimps do this. How long does it hold on to the dead fish?
  19. Not the same lah. That looks like Indigo dottyback from ORA. Mine is I breed the Indigo female to a orchid dottyback male. Come out the offspring is much more blue, almost metallic blue.
  20. No promises on the fishes. I have learnt that many things can go wrong, even if you are just growing them out. If they become available I will announce, but no reservations to cater for unexpected incidents. Who knows? I might just be left with 2 if they decide to kill each other. The saying "do not count your chickens until they hatch" does not apply here. It should be: "do not count your chickens until you actually get to sell them".
  21. Small ones rare? I saw a few of these guys already, easily 3-4 pcs. All around 3". I would have got them, if not for their teeth.
  22. marinebetta did it in 2008. I only managed to catch up 2 years later. But oh well, better late than never.
  23. neon goby conquered

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