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Everything posted by FuEl

  1. Ah yes. Those were the ones.
  2. Which tub? I don't think you saw them. They could hardly even be seen in their tub due to the low numbers I got.
  3. Video of baby oblique-lined dottybacks. Taken about 2 weeks ago.
  4. Enjoy...Notice how some of them are beginning to show the characteristic black stripes.
  5. Your nitrates should drop. Check out the link below. http://www.ultimatereef.net/forums/showthread.php?t=203740
  6. Heard someone will be bringing in rotifer cysts to sell. Perhaps you can ask him?
  7. 16 hour work days..getting used to it

  8. For people who travel a very frequently, can consider using Fauna Marin. The dosing regime is less rigid.
  9. Make it sound like I bribed you guys. Nvm, sold 2 bottles today. One to allantang and another to kikobananas. Let's wait to see their experiences on the product.
  10. It's normal. I keep them in 5 gallons and they go missing. That's why I bought 10. I should be able to see a few that way, provided they don't reduce each other to 1.
  11. Looks just like a Lake Tanganyika cichlid that somehow found its way into the ocean. Check out Lamprologus ocellatus
  12. panda gobies are fighting fish

    1. Terryz_


      Who tell you to buy so many.. LOL..

    2. pokmingsheng


      serious?? so they cant live together? i bought 2 and i didnt see it again after i introduced it into my tank :(

    3. cool guy

      cool guy

      can donate some to me... LOL....

  13. You need...Fauna Marin Ultra Seafan!
  14. o.0 the genus dendrobates got revised!

  15. Cricket ownage:

  16. Hi Jack, Turns out the coral you passed to me is almost impossible to I.D. Most internet websites refer to it as daisy xenia. I will pass a colony back to you once I start to grow them.
  17. New species I succeeded with. Possibly the first ever photos of captive bred oblique lined dottybacks, Cypho purpurescens.
  18. Must order pizza and watch at someone's house..*hint*
  19. I want yellow daisy xenia!

  20. Updated pic. Bred & Raised in Singapore!
  21. Obtained a Terelabrus rubrovittatus today. 10 mins after being in a bare tank, it was already feeding.
  22. Yes! Oblique Line dottyback meta! It only takes one!

  23. got his rare species of peppermint shrimp and neon gobies today!

    1. FuEl


      Turns out it is the real Lysmata wurdemanni, not the common L.boggessi! Neon gobies turn out to be Elacatinus lori!

  24. Hard to say what is causing it but I would administer some antibiotic medication just to help the wound heal.
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