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Everything posted by FuEl

  1. I have a pc from CF that looks something like the large female. Looks like it has horns on both sides.
  2. can't believe I just bought a dosing pump for a pico tank..

    1. Terryz_
    2. Milch_Tan


      LOL, some special project?

    3. Eniram


      very normal.

  3. I believe Reborn ever came in a pair before, now in meepokman's tank. The red bar dracula also came in before.
  4. If in Malaysia can do all the geckos. Phelsuma, Nephrurus, Rhacodactylus are genus worth exploring.
  5. That's what ppl always say. IP check can easily be requested by authorities here. Just make sure you have nothing at your house or other address registered to your name. Even if they're non-endangered, the wildlife laws here are never fair to "offenders".
  6. Bro, low profile a bit lah. So many ppl keeping rarer stuff but all keep quiet. The easiest way to getting caught is via internet.
  7. Glad to see you back on SRC. The reefing scene awaits your comeback.
  8. so interesting watching my blue velvet nudibranch navigate its way around carpet anemones and watching flatworms run away from it.

    1. Terryz_


      LOL.... Haven seen Blue velvet nudi around for some time liao...

    2. ReDDeviLs


      document it down! cool stuff!

    3. desideria


      take a vid!! I wanna see!

  9. Arothron stellatus (Bloch & Schneider 1801), the Starry Toado. Indo-Pacific, Red Sea, east coast of Africa. Grows up to 4ft. The red coloration is only a juvenile color.
  10. Check your dissolved oxygen levels if possible. If don't have D.O meter increase your tank turnover rate and upsize the skimmer if possible. If your sump is salt spray proof you can add a few airstones in it.
  11. Plenty of grade A perculas mixed up in the grade B batch. So pricing is a steal for those who aim to get grade A (at least 1 interlocking area between the white bars on each side)
  12. Very nice grade Bs for this shipment. Picasso standard has finally gone up.
  13. No need to have phobia of clowns now that you have got the magic potion.
  14. WW will not be available in such numbers for a long time to come. Main reason is that C-quest has relocated and it will be quite some time for production to be back in the pipeline. Also, a freak accident (regarding airstones) led to most of the marketable ww being killed so numbers available now are very very low.
  15. Most probably will be exported out. Local market cannot absorb so much, not even 1/3 that amount. Unless the pricing has dropped much lower compared to previous shipments.
  16. shiok..picasso 1cm black onyx color coming out liao. Black + super red = awesome!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. pokmingsheng
    3. cedricang


      Congrates !!! All these years of hard work has paid off :D

    4. kueytoc


      Conrats !...eagerly waiting to see ya GEMs.

  17. It's gone already. Did'nt see it today. Giant specimen though, about 1ft across but still can expand bigger.
  18. http://www.advancedaquarist.com/2006/8/aafeature "photoinhibition is reduced at higher flow speeds but they also showed that at high light intensities and low flow speeds, photodamage of the coral symbionts is amplified which in turn makes corals more sensitive to light and temperature extremes." Water flow is important to help corals adapt to higher than normal light intensities.
  19. Small tank easy to maintain with water changes, don't even need protein skimmer. All you need is a bucket with aged seawater ready all the time. For my 5 gallon tank I siphon 2L of water per day. Not that hard a chore, takes less than 5 mins.
  20. Reef Nutrition products available at Iwarna from Saturday 11am. Mysis Feast, Oyster Feast, TiggerPods, ArticPods. Feed your reef!
  21. Saw them but did'nt get as their polyps were not extended. Did'nt look that appealing then..
  22. New NPS recommendation: Chironepthya sp. http://www.captivereefs.com/forum/showthread.php?t=6481&page=6 Look at page 7 for extended polyps. If I see them again will let you know.
  23. Maybe add one of these.. (insane color, I have never seen this before) Or Bongo shrimps.
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