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Everything posted by FuEl

  1. Hmmm...wow..your 4 footer seems so much bigger than mine. Think yours is much taller and wider... Anyway...nice tank!
  2. I bought my Janns from Re**** too. Also $10 for one. LCK was selling Janns for $15? Anyway..My Janns only appear more after my lights off...maybe my bright lights are blinding them during the day? Today I caught my smaller Janns snatching up one mysis. Think the big one should follow suit in no time. Btw...I bought a pair girdled pipefish (the one which looks more like an eel) to keep my lone girdled pipefish at home company. I bought a mated pair! They always stayed together. The male even had eggs on his belly. One weird thing though..they totally stayed around the same spot in the tank for days. They behaved very very differently from my other girdled pipefish in the tank. They were not even hunting for food...Just bumming around. After about 5 days both of them died. Sometimes I wonder how some fishes are caught and sold to Re****. Just observe the $10 Moorish Idols and you know what I mean. Anyway...i saw the multi-banded pipefish too. They still had 2 left on the day I went. But I did'nt have much $$ that day. So I just bought a $5 jawfish.
  3. Oh...both mine are Janns. Common names are very confusing. I was told they were called fire pipefish by the lady boss at LCK 110. Guess it's because they have orange body. I have kept normal banded pipefish before also. Both died long ago due to whitespot. Only 1 accepted frozen mysis. The other one content with eating the stuff in my tank. Kept them alive for about 6 weeks before the stupid white spot set in. Oh well..I got my Janns as I saw them swimming together. Thought they were a pair. Turns out they are both male! Oh well..lucky my tank long enough to break down some scuffling. Don't you just hate the pipefish hiding in the liverocks during the day? Hardly see them out in the open at all! If got bluestripe pipefish tell me ok?
  4. Wah...$1200. I must save for 12 weeks without even spending $1 to buy it. Or maybe some kind soul here as rich as bill gates can sponsor me one?
  5. I would suggest more white in your lighting. SPS and clams are'nt really deep water species. You can still have some blue though, for aesthetic purposes.
  6. I've had 2 fire pipefish in my tank for about 3 weeks already. They are quite shy. And I have not been feeding them anything. At night they can be seen prowling the tank and eating those small white organisms on my glass. So far I do not observe them losing weight. They seem rather happy on their current diet. Will this natural diet be good enough? They are not interested in thawed mysis or brine shrimp at all. Have not tried newly hatched bbs though...did'nt see a need.
  7. I'm only 21 lah..Somemore my tank is not using a chiller. Water depth only about 15inches. Won't MH like cook everything in the water? For T5 i planning to DIY...not buying the ready made ones..those 'chop' people one. Oh well..looks like I will have to change the ballast too. Who want to reserve my second hand Electronic 36-40watts ballasts?
  8. Ah...ok.. I thought hammers were one of the stronger stingers? The length of some of their tentacles are extremely long! Anyway..hail the clams
  9. If want try anemone wait for your tank be 1 year old then you add
  10. Epoxy? Not sure if it is reef safe though. But it will bind pvc together damn tightly.
  11. I'm malaysian too! Studying in Singapore. Actually was born here lah. Not going to take up citizenship here though. -.- Eh bwilly? My mother from Perak oso..but not Ipoh..from Sitiawan.
  12. My normal 4 feet X 18 inch X 18 inch tank only using 6mm glass. I know I'm taking a risk. But I have run the tank before as a planted aquarium and had much more sand and water in it that time. So for now my water depth is only 15 inches. Oh well..hope it holds.
  13. Wah...clam immune to coral sting? If got such a clam tell me...can patent it. LoLx
  14. Money should not be an issue. The issue should be the safeness of the tank. My custom made 4feetx18inch(height)X15inch(width) leaked at the side before. Was'nt a very pleasant experience. Gave me high blood pressure for the rest of the week. Tank durability should be the issue here. The next tank I get I must make sure it will have all round bracing (even if it is a 3 feet).
  15. Why not you get them to decrease the height of your tank by a little? Can definitely lessen the weightload. And your angels will still have the length of the tank to swim. 7feet(length)X 2 feet(width) X 18inch(height)? LoLx...
  16. I have a 4 feetX18inchX18inch normal 4 feet tank. Currently lighting is using 1 40 watt actinic blue fluorescent and 3 40 watt white fluorescents. All using reflectors. The hood is custom made of acrylic. Using Elibriu(not sure of spelling) electronic ballast (36w-40w). Each ballast can support 2 40 watt fluorescent tubes. My question is this. I am intending to save up (I am only a student) by scrimping $$ on food,etc and use the $$ to replace my fluorescent tubes with T5. However, I have heard that a 4 feet T5 light is 54 watts. I would like to know if it would be more cost effective to replace my electronic ballasts with those of higher capacity and get the 4 feet T5s or to use 3 feet T5s instead. As for lighting efficiency, as my tank is only 18 inches wide and 18 inches deep(including sand depth), How many T5s would I need to keep most soft and hard corals? I am not intending to keep sps and clams? I'm too poor to afford those for now. Any suggestions would be welcome. This forum is addictive! It replaced my obsession with counterstrike..thank goodness.
  17. Happy B'day from me too. Anywayz.... You had reared baby harlequin shrimp before? You still have any? I looking for some....I want my 4 footer to be a harlequin shrimp, goby and pipefish tank!
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