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Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by FuEl

  1. I began reefing ever since I was born. Father-son influence.
  2. !!! Marine fishes need certain things in their diet which a freshwater diet can't provide. Essential amino acis, DHA, etc.
  3. It looks alright today. No signs of whitespot..*phew* Anyway..how come this bluestripe pipefish is more bold compared to my other pipefish? It swims out in the open actively during the day. My other pipes are hiding in their caves avoiding the bright light.
  4. Tanzy would say 'This thread is meant for product reviews, not enquiry on products. This thread is closed.' LoLx
  5. FuEl

    Diy T5

    $5 each? I will need about 8 pieces....can cheaper or not?
  6. 3 things seahorse Don't like 1) Fast water current 2) Fast swimming 'pigs' 3) An owner who can't provide enough food.
  7. Did'nt dare to do a freshwater dip considering the small minute size of my pipefish. Later it die $10 gone.... =x
  8. There was one in Henry's tank? How come I did'nt see it during so many of my visitS? LoLx Oh well...fishes have personality too. Reminds me of the false royal gramma I used to own. Practically killed any new fish. Even bites the eyes off cleanershrimps. Total monster.
  9. A cleaner shrimp might help...Don't underestimate it. Like when we are sick, we visit doctors. After the visit we normally feel more reassured and in a more relaxed mood. Psychologically we are fighting off the emotional stress involved with the disease already. Maybe fish think the same way as us?
  10. I can buy them at that size!
  11. Hmmm..chemical filtration is natural? Snails are the artificial method then?
  12. Imagine yourself abducted and enclosed into a glass room without basically nothing. Would you have the mood to eat?
  13. The lights are being reflected off the anemone onto the surroundings. That's why the surroundings of the anemone appears yellow. Same principle if you put a yellow transparent acylic sheet into the water..the immediate surroundings would appear yellow too? The purple tips are probably the color of the stinging cells a.k.a nematocysts....If the purple tips are not even present....sigh...looks bad to me. Ever realized that these yellow colored sebae anemones never survive as long as compared to the normal white/grey colored ones with pink tips? A point to ponder over.
  14. Thanks Ong! Btw...my surname is also Ong. Anyway...bought my bluestripe immediately the day after I saw your post. Quite a small bugger. I wanted to buy 2...but at $10 each and the small size (2cm?)...I just got 1 to try out first. Guess all the bigger ones were snatched. Anyway...spotted it in my tank swimming. It's dorsal fin had some kind of speck on it. Hopefully not whitespot. If not my yellow tang sure get white spot again...and not to mention my Jann's pipefish...Nooooooo... as for the rest of the fish in my tank...they are ich resistant.
  15. We should have a custom designed t-shirt made for all sgreefclub members!
  16. Heh...i got those small tube worms with pink crowns. At an unbelievable price. $1 each ! LOLx
  17. I have got carpet anemones from East Coast during low tide before. Real sticky but healthy buggers!
  18. Seahorses if not fed within 2 days from birth would most likely be dead by the third day. If they are still alive they must be feeding on something in your tank...
  19. Your puffer will be eaten. Or your octopus will be eaten. If the puffer gets eaten, the octopus will die. If the octopus gets eaten, the puffer will gain weight.
  20. Why not you just put the prawn into the anemone directly? Why make your clowns perform slavery?
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