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Everything posted by FuEl

  1. Second that. Do water change with good quality salt mix. All your levels will slowly increase and you do not need to worry about chemical imbalances.
  2. Come back bwilly, you are not totally forgotten! Resident crocodile!
  3. Just keep a lookout to see if the tank bows. I used to have a 48"x18"x18" 6mm tank which I used for marine. When the bowing became too obvious I quickly got a new tank done.
  4. Bwilly, welcome back! I'm using these lights, you will not be disappointed!
  5. Interesting. If not for the lyretail they do really look a lot like dark variants of A. bicinctus from the Red Sea or even chocolate variant of A. akindynos from Australia.
  6. Looking for the above unit. Let me know if you have one for sale. I only require the socket end to be functional, as in able to fire up 18W tube. Thanks.
  7. Depends on your budget but the cheapest in the market currently is bubble magus dosing pump. Should be more than enough for a nano tank.
  8. How did you see that. They kept felling off the rock so I superglued the side of the shell to the rock. I did'nt glue the part which is supposed to attach itself to the rock.
  9. http://www.shinshiro-koi.co.uk/hi-blow-air-pumps-625-0.html
  10. Supposedly brighter. I could never achieve the same effect using ATIs in normal fixtures without cooling.
  11. Apparently ATI tubes function optimally when their temperatures are kept low by active cooling. ATI prices have dropped significantly compared to 2003/2004. At that period a single 54W tube would cost you at least $50.
  12. Hmm..no idea what SPS is the chilli pepper growing on. Gave up trying to ID sps since the only 100% accurate way is to analyze the dead skeleton. As for the digitata, it's been like that for 1-2 months already. It still grows though.
  13. Hi Zuma, I have them in a partitioned tank all by themselves. It might be the tank size as all I can give them now is a 15 gallon partition. But I'll just continue pumping them with food and hopefully get some eggs soon. You're so lucky that you are able to collect your own clowns. I believe with you doing it personally, the clowns will be in much better shape upon reaching your tanks. The capture and holding facilities of some transhippers are just so laden with parasites, possible water quality issues which can affect the survivability of the fish considerably during and after shipping.
  14. Got 1 species right. Lemon, order Amphiprion barberi from Fiji!
  15. Very true for perculas and ocellaris and other tropical clowns. I would'nt want to mess with temperatures too much as the chrysos are doing fine at the current temperature. As they are wild caught I would preferably stick to the temperatures found in the natural habitat and just wait for them to become "ripe". Photoperiod I might shorten by 2 hours and see how it goes. Hopefully they can breed without an anemone.
  16. Not too hard to obtain but harder to keep alive, just like chrysopterus. I lost my tricinctus within 24 hours. Mccullochi now is being bred in U.S and Australia so should'nt have much issues obtaining the fish I would think.
  17. Some I would guess. Amphiprion chagosensis Amphiprion tricinctus Did I get it right?
  18. I keep them 25.8-27 degrees celcius. I believe the cool water did help with these fish. Photoperiod is 14L:10D. I feed them pellets, blended seafood, frozen polychaete worms, gutloaded live adult brine shrimp. They are just not breeding. I'm not using an anemone for them though, I don't think it's compulsory? They have lots of small anemones to sleep in though (aiptasia).
  19. So envious! What happens when you've collected all 29 species? Perhaps you can start collecting all the geographical variants of Amphiprion clarkii?
  20. Correction, not all clownfish are easy to breed. Clarkii complex clowns can be frustrating to get breeding. You can literally wait for years. Not to mention some species are such a challenge to keep alive, much less to get breeding. Chrysopterus for instance. I can't even remember how many I've killed.
  21. Yes will love to get to know you more. I have 2 adult pairs of Chrysogasters that are doing anything but breeding. I need to breed the rarer clowns. Breeding black ocellaris & perculas are getting awfully boring.
  22. One of my favourites. Blue polyp digitata.
  23. Need to find a spot to transplant this hot pink stylo soon. The encrusting monti will be overwhelming it soon. For some reason the digitatas have not opened as much as they used to. Still trying to figure out the reason. They are growing fine though, just that polyps don't seem to like to come out as much.
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