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Everything posted by FuEl

  1. http://www.ultimatereef.net/forums/showthread.php?t=292341&page=1
  2. Pacific Reef & Iwarna will have 2inch ones with nice finnage from today 3pm onwards. Pricewise will be more expensive.
  3. Mantis shrimps also very nice to eat there. Cheap as well.
  4. You have till Saturday to find a gf there. Then next time you can ask her to hold the fish for you till your flight back.
  5. Hi Bro, Sad to hear about what happened to your tank. You might wish to consider installing a separate circuit breaker for your tanks. Sometimes the house unit is old and can trip from the slightest disturbance (thunder, etc). You should identify the source that caused the power trip. If it's due to faulty equipment (many cases due to made in China products, IME), you should replace the equipment asap. More dottybacks are on the way so you can always start again.
  6. Check with Milch Tan. I believe he might still have a 55W Laguna UV for sale.
  7. Have 2 units to sell. Philips 18W (one of the best UV bulbs) - $45 Weipro 18W - $20 Reason for selling is that I upgraded my UV and have no use for these bulbs anymore. Buy both for $60.
  8. something is seriously wrong when you dream about hatching brine shrimp

    1. peacemaker


      Lol... you need another distraction apart from reefing.

  9. Yes, they have been moved out to the tank in front of the packing area.
  10. Good brands include Seachem and Amquel. If you prefer the original powder (Chloram-x) that most good liquid anti-chlorine brands use, I can get 5lb tub. I am using this and it is the best IMO. A 5lb tub will set you back around $110 through me but it can treat 18,800 gallons of water.
  11. Some brands of anti-chlorine are hopelessly diluted. You need to get the right brands. Water now contains chloramine. Chloramines cannot be removed by letting water sit nor by bubbling it, you need to have anti-chlorine to remove it. Residual ammonia is released when chloramine is broken down. Only very good brands of anti-chlorine will neutralize this residual ammonia. 5 gallons is a very small volume. Get some carboys of distilled water for making your seawater as well as for top up. It's more affordable if you do not want to spend on a good reliable RO/DI unit. I seriously doubt diamond RO water.
  12. Clownfishes of the world Chagosensis and latifasciatus, so awesome.
  13. Wrong, even bigger fish will hardly be spared. Those 2 specimens there are still babies. They do really grow much bigger than that. The sight of 2 sexually dimorphic fish swimming side by side is a sight to behold though.
  14. One pair of awesome Pseudochromis steenei at Ahbeng. This species need a tank for themselves if not they will make it one.
  15. My Eyes!!! Long time since I saw so much color.
  16. One of the best soft coral shipments ever today at Iwarna. Reefers who have not been down should go before all the gems are gone! Examples include neon green sinularia flexibilis, devil's hand leather with neon green polyps, yellow leathers (not dyed), etc.
  17. Now possible already. Wonder when they will use this for aquarium fish. 4,000 meter hyperbaric fish trap aquaria respirometer Article on National Geographic News
  18. Different people will have different tastes. Like how I would never pay $1000 for a Johnsoni wrasse but would readily spend the same amount on a leather coral or a rare clownfish like chagosensis/fuscocaudatus. Even if the Johnsoni sells for $50, I would not buy it, as I do not have interest for such fish (probably what other reefers thought of the leucozonas anthias). Like the time when Tricinctus clown was made available, I was the only nut who would spend $100+ on it when most ppl thought of it as a normal clarkii clownfish. Singapore is a very small country and the amount of people in this hobby is rather insignificant when you look at U.S & Japan. Even if 10% of reefers in U.S wants a certain fish, the demand is easily many times greater than the 10% here. You can try to convince ppl what fish is worth getting but not all will be swayed. The only way to increase demand significantly is to increase the overall number of people entering this hobby.
  19. OMG...I wish these were all mine!!!
  20. More common but also very difficult to find.
  21. Maybe I should put up a bounty of $500 for it.
  22. Sigh...seems like my never ending quest to search for this leather coral.
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