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Everything posted by FuEl

  1. Frankly it depends on the surface area you are covering...and the depth of your water...and the height of the clam from the T5.
  2. I've never really liked primates except humans.....
  3. wah...new term...'cubes'... ok williammuk..i shall monitor it very very closely. Hehe...
  4. Eh? My black sea cuke never climbs the rockwork to the powerhead...it's forever on da sand. neither does it climb the glass too. Btw...wat sea cucumber was yours? Is it the common black one that the chinese makan?
  5. I have it too. But mine is about twice the length of yours. Sometimes can be seen venturing out of its rock to forage. It's just a polychaet worm. Nothing to be worried about. As far as I know they don't hunt fish but will scavenge instead. They have no apparatus to capture prey effectively. So far all my gobies are unharmed..even my pipefish. Just leave it in there and enjoy the monster. Btw..have not heard of tamil tiger gobies...can give the scientific name? Is it Stonogobiops sp. ?
  6. No wonder the mushrooms tasted so juicy. Ah...but why use the brown ones only? why din use the blue mushrooms?
  7. Wow....just hope tat does'nt happen to my tank....lucky the powerhead too high for the sea cucumber to reach... You could consider loaning a very oversized skimmer from someone to skim out the 'stuff' that the sea cuke gave out...
  8. Fence up the coral....or sell of the clowns?
  9. Leave it inside your tank and see wat happens lor. Even if it lays eggs nothing much you can do really. Don't think anyone has bred firefish yet. Fish larvae are pelagic...veryvery hard to raise.
  10. Best to get eurobracing for stability..something which I should have done for mine..but oh well...
  11. You can try H20 aquarium at Kembangan area...Bought my dead rock from them for stacking purposes. Think it's less than $5 per kg...
  12. Limewater is kalk. Kalk is limewater...the same thing...just that kalk is the powder form..you will have to dissolve it in water to form limewater. Most people use fresh limewater...those that have been exposed to air might have a white precipitate (calcium carbonate or bicarbonate? can't remember..)
  13. Yes...a permanent IP ban would suit them just fine.
  14. Depends on the conc of your kalk. Eg..if it is 1/100 the strength of conc. kalk you could just pour it in. If it is 100% conc kalk...you might want to drip it very slowly..Maybe 1 drop per 2 secs? Depends on the size of your tank too...Bigger tanks can accomodate a faster drip rate.
  15. FuEl


    27 to 24 degrees??! You keeping temperate species ah?
  16. Can't remember...think was around $500 for metal stand....6mm glass side...base I think is 10mm... I know I got ripped off..but that was 2-3 years ago...oh well..
  17. One of my tanks...10 yrs old 4 footer passed down from my dad to me had this problem... After I emptied the tank and tugged lightly on the center brace...it just came off! Lucky I changed the tank in time.
  18. Hmmm..now then I noticed da finger...lolx!
  19. Erm...pardon me for asking..but wat is a photosynthetic sea rod?
  20. FuEl


    I'm using 2 12cm fans...thinking of transferring them over to the new hood...
  21. You left out live zooplankton. Live phytoplankton is not enough to discourage people.
  22. Well my yellow tang recovered from white spot within a day. I'm just saying that feeding finely chopped raw garlic will do the same as long as the fish eats them. I did not advocate feeding them raw garlic 24/7.
  23. Take bus 925 i think to sungei buloh wetland reserve...then walk down neo tiew cresent till you reach 110. Not that far.
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