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Everything posted by FuEl

  1. Hai..too late...Sav...you happen to be from VS?
  2. Off the lights..then u wun have algae lor
  3. Erm..abit But how do you still maintain such gd relationship with ex-gf? That never works out for me.
  4. Can..provided there is nothing that will eat/attack it... And that there are no fishes and shrimps and crabs.
  5. Reminds me of crispy bacon.
  6. Buy 1-2 packs of cement..mix them with water...and coat your stand all over with it.
  7. Just hold the rock upside down and using a sharp scissors (preferably surgical type), cut them mercilessly but cleanly at the stem. Both pieces will grow back into perfect mushrooms.
  8. Where did you hear that from?! I dont see how your live rock will still remain as live rock after that.
  9. Just got mine...the washing part gave me a shock though...so much dark brown muck.
  10. Read my thread carefully...I'm not endorsing blue ring octopus...but hopefully 'blue ring cuttlefish'? HAHAhaha...maybe next time must genetic engineer one.
  11. I have a cover and my firegoby jumped out twice thru the hole meant for eheim pipes..now...how 'lucky' is that? Lucky both times I heard the splat.
  12. Buy a big plastic tub for your fish n rocks...and buy a new stand on the same day....You should be able to complete the move within a day.
  13. Eh? Wat is a Radiata? For once I thought it was a tortoise in your marine tank...lol
  14. Will be ok...just that it might be too yellow for the eyes..you will have to add an actinic to balance out the colours
  15. Too bad no blue ring cuttlefish...if not i sure keep...sure no worries of them climbing out of the tank..
  16. 6500K should be suitable for shallow SPS species? If too yellow for the eyes can add a few actinic PLs?
  17. They are very interesting creatures....remembered the time when i 'talked' to them for 1 hour plus at underwater world... Anyway..they need very good reliable filtration...and they need to be kept in a species tank...any fish and shrimp or crabs would most likely be eaten.
  18. The sea cucumber literally eats your sand and passes out cleaned sand. Did'nt you notice it?
  19. Venomous and poisonous are 2 very different terms. While a creature like the a viper is venomous...it is not poisonous..you can cook it and eat it & you will not die. While pufferfish are poisonous...they are not venomous...as they have no way to inject venom anyway. I'm not in the least surprised that BRO octopi are banned here...like what is'nt? The so called permits that are said to be issued are not even made available to the general public. That is why there are so many smuggling cases. Even captive bred animals have to be smuggled. Kinda ridiculous if you ask me. This is what coercion leads to...a black market.
  20. Make me hungry so late in the night.....now must look for food.......glorious food!
  21. The umbrella corp. of Resident Evil?
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