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Everything posted by FuEl

  1. Hmmm..this is more beautiful... US $100+ for one. Helfrich's dart goby
  2. Is'nt it amazing just how the matrix plays on human curiosity to draw crowds that watch the movie knowing that they will end up being confused? The matrix is evil!
  3. AHhaha..i can't help but comment that your description of the sea cucumber reminds me of something else...
  4. You can wait long long...until you drop food into the water that is.
  5. AT has spoken... Keeping jellyfish more expensive than keeping SPS..tsktsk.. j/k.
  6. As long as no one complaints you could walk about wearing nothing at all.
  7. An alternative to Myxazin would be Octozin...personally I prefer using Octozin as it does not discolour the water. Antibiotics are antibodies that are specific in their action. The specific antibodies will not work on other antigens presenting different surface molecules. However, cross-reactivity could occur. There is always this risk among closely related antigens.
  8. Drop by underwater world and see their jellyfish setups...By the way..jellyfish lacking stinging cells usually have short and stubby tentancles...if they are coloured instead of being transparent most likely they store photosynthetic zooxanthellae. If I'm not wrong people in Japan keep jellyfish in a fishbowl without any form of filtration for safety purposes. Obviously...the bigger the fishbowl the more stable your water parameters.
  9. Wah...6 days old..quite an accomplishment already. Most people would start suffering casualties on the 2nd day...
  10. Hi SPS pros...any of you know what is this I got? I saved it from being dried up on the beach when the tide swept it up. Dun ask which beach...
  11. When I get my sump. I have to use an additionnal reflector to shield my lights...my parents watching the tv next to it say the aquarium lights are too glaring for their eyes.. I not using actinic or blue plus...maybe that why it appear glaring.
  12. Jkt = Jarkata? wow...go all the way there see corals...just wondering..if hand carry back few pieces need to declare or not? If can just bring in maybe after my exams I see how..
  13. I have found this thing in my tank..think it has been alive for quite some time already...the color is 100% snow white. On the top of the body along the edges there are small little 'tuffs' sticking out. Have not been able to find any reference to it in indo-pacific identification books. Think it should be a hydroid eater. Btw...my black with green spot nudibranch still alive...
  14. My T5s boil my water to 31 degrees on a typical day if I never on the fan for 24/7.
  15. If your enoplometopus debelius gets large enough and hungry it might eat your clown while it is asleep. However, I did have one that slept with a maroon clown every day...they just stay next to each other.. They were about the same size.
  16. Neat? No lah...if you see all my wiring it is rather like star trek. Like the E-ballasts are resting on the back of my tank against the wall....so dangerous... By the way...is the brown sps with green polyps montipora of some sort? Saw a similar looking one at PR and was told it is montipora.
  17. Ok..the pic of the whole tank.. Pls dun ask why the skimmer is in the front..for the time being only...it will go into a sump later on.
  18. Someone help me identify this SPS...no flaming because of the white tips pls...I'm saving it literally..it was doomed to die being washed up to the debri laden shore anyway....
  19. Dun ask about the white patch..only discovered it when I got home..think it was covered with debri at the shop.
  20. Updated as of 4/11/2003. After 3 tubes of 54W T5s DIYed.
  21. Check the vicinity of your tank. Or maybe something is lurking in the depths of ur rockwork.
  22. Justin my fren..be more descriptive in your title leh..later AT scream at you..
  23. I have 3 54W T5s suspended about the same height above the water..without fan to cool them down water temps reach up to 31 degrees celcius.. Quickly bought one fan and using it to cool the water 24/7..the taiwan brand bigbig clip on type..if not enough will have to buy one more..argh...actually real scared of the whole fan dropping into the water..
  24. Take your time AT...fellow reefers will have mutual understandings..
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