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Everything posted by FuEl

  1. Nice tank....as a safety precaution you might want to have some chemical resins in hand...in case your ammonia or nitrites respike. Then just use the resins to remove them from the water before anything happens.
  2. No nid to rip the snail off the glasss..just slide it along the glass all the way to the top and it will come off. I've had a turbo snail for 3 years already...rather immortal if u ask me..
  3. This is my pet...looks abit like yours..but I feed it soft coral instead.
  4. Eh? My powerhead 1200l/hr got nice thick skimmate already...
  5. Why not get a stainless steel stand?
  6. hehe..now you can consider going for a bare-bottom seahorse tank.
  7. Photosynthetic pigments in the zooxanthellal cells carry out the collection of the light energy, such that they efficiently absorb light in the 400 to 700 nm range. The zooxanthellae contain various types of pigments: chlorophyll a, chlorophyll c and the carotenoids, such as Beta carotene, peridinnine and dinoxanthines. The pigments in the cells will absorb different wavelengths with different efficiencies. The absorption spectrum for zooxanthellae has been shown to have a broad peak in the 400 to 500 nm waveband (blue-green) and a narrow peak in the 650 to 700 (red) waveband. Although it has not been proven that all coloration in corals is due to these UV protecting pigments, the practice of adding UV (or increasing UV) in the reef aquarium should be generally avoided, because it is likely to cause more harm than good. Taken from your link. http://www.animalnetwork.com/fish2/aqfm/19...s/2/default.asp
  8. Yep..if an anemone is injured or stressed in any way..it will release a chemical called gluthathione or glutathione(can't remember the spelling). In a tank with inefficient protein skimming...the gluthathione levels will increase..triggering a massive firing of nematocysts from the anemone. Needless to say..whatever is in the same tank as the anemone will be affected by the barrage of nematocysts.
  9. .......you can't see free floating ich parasites. Might be copepods..but don't think you will be able to draw it.. Might be fish lice too. Alot of possibilities.
  10. You don't just pull an anemone out from the filter if it gets stuck. You off the power supply of your filter and wait for the anemone to detach itself. Simply just tugging on it can worsen its condition. I strongly advise you from getting anymore anemones..considering your form of filtration..history will just repeat itself. Not to mention your lighting..which is too little for anemones. 55W B/W PL tube..meaning only 27.5 watts of white light is usable for the anemone for photosynthesis. Blue lights are mainly for aesthetic purposes...not for coral health. You can't just put an anemone in newly mixed saltwater. The fresh saltwater will literally chemical burn ur anemone. You gotta feed your flame scallop. Phytoplankton everyday. Goniopora...keep an eye on it..they don't do well in new tanks. You will know it is not happy if it does'nt open within a day or two. Your luck is amazing...choosing mostly all the near impossible to keep inverts..
  11. You can drop by at ML and check it out...I saw a purple carpet once.. Definitely worth waiting for a carpet like that...why get a common one while regretting later? Your clown will be able to wait..
  12. I got 2 1ft cube tanks. Not sure if you are interested or not.
  13. Becareful when removing them from the glass wall or whatever they are attached too. A damaged base will give an anemone a veryvery low survival rate. Bag them underwater. Taking them out of the water and subjecting them to the forces of gravity are'nt really the most sensible thing to do. Stabilise the water in the bag to the same salinity as your main tank to prevent osmotic shock to the anemone. Eh Cleartank..your emperor shrimp deceased? I have'nt seen mine also.. think oso gone liao.
  14. Ever thought of setting up a dessert shop? Can get to know alot of chiobu..
  15. Yea...I got pricked by a diadema once...not my fault!! It attacked me! Beware of urchins..they are evil.
  16. Carpet anemones in the wild are found in veryvery fine substrate. Grade 0 sand would be best..they will anchor themselves in your sand bed. Not really considered reef anemones.
  17. Sorry for hijacking..I got a canopy that can fit this tank dimension too...$40..black acrylic..photos in my thread in pasar malam. Pm me if interested.
  18. The pigmentation comes from zooxanthellae. Ever wondered why bleached corals always lose their color along with expelled zooxanthellae?
  19. Must guard the tank with electrical traps.
  20. If your skin is thick...you won't feel any pain. If your skin is thin...you will feel horrible. Most humans are thick skinned.
  21. I would guess that your firefish got bullied to death by the dottyback. I simply don't trust dottybacks anymore. You will need to buy alot of firefish to keep them in a group. You will also need to have a big tank to break out any aggression. I have bought a group of 3 before. 1 of them murdered the other 2 slowly...even though the tank was 4 ft.
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