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Everything posted by FuEl

  1. wah lao! Did you buy fishy wills and sea pens and place them on ur sand bed?
  2. Exoskeletons can't grow. They are dead. So once the armor becomes too tight, they form another soft copy below their exoskeleton before moulting. Once the old exoskeleton comes off, the new one conforms to the larger size of the body before hardening.
  3. Upz...still available...take the 4ftX1.5ft hood for $20..total value is about $50. And another black acrylic hood...4ft X 15inch wide 2 sets of 2X36W Elbiru E-ballast. 2 AC fans on top of canopy...2 more dc fans at the sides of the canopy...the top acrylic is forever stuck to the brown paper since I was lazy to peel it off in the beginning...going for $20..spare parts can be taken apart..total value is around $40. Glass tanks for $8 each. Pm me..self collect in east. Thanks.
  4. DA...try increasing the resolution esp when you are intending to shrink the pic...it might give a clearer image.
  5. ??? Those never happen la.
  6. Can try the racoon butterfly too..heard it is quite hardy..avoid the melon butterfly..it's a 100% coral polyp eater.
  7. They will develop atherosclerosis due to atheromas..possibly die of myocardial infarction. Feeding too much will lead to your fish having too high cholesterol levels. Can lead to Alzheimer's disease...imagine having forgetful fishes. Think I've been mugging too much for exams..
  8. Reminds me of my thread on gluing flame scallops...lol
  9. Erm..all from the sea? even the fish you diy? Hardly see such big fish in lfs....
  10. Did i see 16 hours of lighting a day?!
  11. chemical rxns can occur between salts of diff brands. that's why it's not recommended to change salt brand too drastically.
  12. Watch out for the tentacles. They sting other corals rather strongly.
  13. My fren put a snake in his pants and just walked thru the airport.
  14. i interested in blue tip acro.. can?
  15. You stay in east? I could offer maintenance service.
  16. Omg kschew...your avatar needs more clothes....
  17. Actinics tend to block out the real colors of it..maybe take a pic of it in white light?
  18. They have this bad habit of dying off for no apparent reason. I suppose you are referring to those in the genus Anthelia? Anyway..they are easier to keep compared to xenia..but still prone to crashes from time to time... Crashes might be due to insufficient iodine..but in my case..it happened when my lobster decided to walk on it without fail every night while looking for food...such trampling eventually led to all of them hardening, turning brown..and dying..other colonies that were unreachable by that monster are still doing well. If you do decide to dose iodine..pls do it carefully. Overdosing can have disastrous results.
  19. You could just do away with the OHF anyway...where are you gonna place your lights with an OHF on your tank? As for your tank....1.8ft height and 1.8ft width...6mm glass is too thin..unless you have eurobracing all round the 4 sides of your tank I don't think you should use such a tank unless one day find your tank has split at the corner...not a pleasant experience. Happened to my last tank...1.5ft height X 15inch width...glass oso 6mm. If that could happen to my tank...needless to say for yours....get a 10mm tank all round. Safer that way.
  20. Catch it when the lights are off. Reef lobsters are nocturnal. They will come out during the lights off hours. Just grab them by their long white antennas.
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