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Everything posted by FuEl

  1. F.I.P ball valves are hopeless, all they do is leak

    1. tunicate


      It's not cheap. Not suppose to leak. Are u able to return to shop for exchange?

    2. dnsfpl


      +1, mine leak after 2 years :(

    3. LaW
  2. Yes finally got my bible on Rhacodactylus!

  3. One look can tell those are platinums. Wyoming Whites look way different, in a nicer kind of white.
  4. Seems rare in the trade but not in the wild. Apparently has a very wide distribution in the wild. Found in Indonesia, New Guinea, the Solomon Islands, the northern Great Barrier Reef, and southern Japan. Funny why a fish with such large geographical range only shows up now...
  5. Only 1 pair, keeping for breeding project provided I don't kill them during QT.
  6. Blue Linckia although more expensive is a more complete diet for orchid shrimp as it is their natural diet in the wild. I have had orchid shrimps die from a 100% diet of sandstars. Sadly to say my experiences with orchid shrimp wandering around are usually dead shrimp. They are probably stressed by something. It would be good to check your water parameters. Shrimps are especially sensitive to nitrate.
  7. Yellow tail with me under strict QT. If they survive probably will be 4-5 years before they even breed. I have once sworn to stop buying chrysopterus clowns as I have just killed too many, but these guys are not the common white tailed variants. You are just looking for 1 tricinctus? If so might be able to spare 1. The clowns although small, do seem to adapt much better to captive conditions as compared to bigger sized ones.
  8. Can't believe I am the only one that appreciates tricinctus clownfish. Reached around noon all the tricinctus still there.
  9. Not mertensi definitely, they are never so colorful and the shape does not look like that. You may wish to take a closer shot of the tentacles for a positive I.D
  10. To the untrained eyes.. http://reefbuilders.com/2010/05/04/chrysiptera-arnazae-cf-parasema-has-been-officiall/ New species of damselfish spotted at Pacific Reef. http://reefbuilders.com/2011/04/08/chrysiptera-traceyi-damselfish/ I have set aside 1 pc of C. traceyi. Interested parties pm me to arrange viewing.
  11. Already have clowns like those (if you are talking about the picassos). Just that not many people wants to pay 3 digits for clownfish. I'll be saving them for Aquarama, probably get better pricing there.
  12. Try some airstones and calibrate the refractometer with distilled water.
  13. My aiptasias good life..they eat Henry's Reef Gourmet, Fauna Marin's Ultra Base Energy and Fauna Marin's Ultra LPS Grow & Color.

  14. most exciting Aquarama! so many international legends coming!

  15. No, they don't touch anything besides Aiptasia. Without aiptasia they will starve. Orders can be placed through Iwarna. There should be a queue for them.
  16. Lysmatella prima. I only know of one scientist who has them.
  17. Red patches usually indicative of gram negative bacterial infection. A broad spectrum antibiotic might be your best bet.
  18. At Iwarna later around 3pm. Black Ocellaris (L), Teardrop black ocellaris (S), Picasso Percula (M), 3 pairs Berghia nudibranch (L)
  19. What have I done...I think I have probably a million berghia larvae...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Eniram


      JK how does one tell the difference btw the xenia nudis and berghia nudis?

    3. yikai


      xenia nudibranches have appendages on their backs that look like closed polyps of xenia. berghia just have long brown appendages.

      moreover, the xenia nudi can grow big,whereas the berghia is minute!

    4. Eniram


      My goodness, that confirms my worry when I spotted a 2" nudi in my tank.

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