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Everything posted by FuEl

  1. I have one of those polychaete worms in my tank..about 10cm long and looks extremely menacing. So far it has not attacked anything..not even my 1-2cm yellow rock goby.
  2. They tend to prefer places with moderate flow and very very low light levels. They will always end up in the shade. You could epoxy them to rock if you want..but I think alot of ppl will scream at u.
  3. If a gal pampers you....what does it mean?
  4. Sometimes 2 weeks can become few months.....
  5. Rent a lionfish. SpiderOne used it before.
  6. I don't think copperbands will nip at corals. Their mouths are adapted to be forcep-like to pick out small organisms between rock crevices. Rather unsuitable for nipping at corals if you ask me.
  7. With ammonia at 0.2 and 22W of lighting it is no surprise the anemone shrunk.
  8. Bubbles are usually quite bullet-proof...I used to have 1 that was bleached thru the cycling process (due to tank leak and new setup in 1 day)....after cycling was over it completely regained its original green color. Just keep it stress free and make sure nothing falls on it and it should be fine.
  9. Ah ok..thanks for the clarification. But actually I'm more concerned with the excess chloride ions being added into the water. Will they pose any problems?
  10. Try not to get anemones...esp in a tank onli about 2 weeks old...anemones should only be tried in a mature tank with nitrates below 10ppm. Also...avoid cauliflowers to the right as they are almost impossible to sustain over long periods of time. Stick to mushrooms for now.
  11. Can inject them using needle syringe filled with saturated kalk.
  12. hmmmm....oic... Get a few black cukes to do the work...
  13. Can't help but ask one question out of curiousity... Why is there a need to partition off the sand bed in the main tank from the tank walls?
  14. I think it would either be more expensive or more or less same price as here? For one thing I don't think Tunzes are manufactured in asia.. Maybe other things are cheaper in hongkong coz they are nearer to the place of origin?
  15. A slow flow thru the refugium and sump might be better...gives more time for denitrification per volume of water. More time for a certain volume of water to be skimmed and for photosynthesis to purify a certain volume of water. Just my thoughts.
  16. Stock update Re***n -lots of damsels -lots of lionfish...even dwarf ones -lots of very very healthy looking anthias -lots of zoanthids...saw some blue ones (too bad i was broke) -lots of hairy mushies -banded pipefish, razorfish, coral banded shrimp -black-headed jawfish (real cute critters..i have 1) -saw some fairy or flasher wrasse..can't remember wat name is it -Did'nt notice the fish confined in bottles -check out their new products..saw something called PSB (photosynthetic bacteria)..dunno what that is.... -Reefez kalk and calcium plus available -their display tank on top is starting to get stocked up. (saw 2-3 leopard blennies inside.. ) Pa**diz r**f -lots of 1st grade croceas -few squamosas -brain corals (open and maze) -lots of torch coral -frogspawn -pyjama cardinalfish
  17. Most angels and butterflies would be dead at 100mg/l of nitrates..they are one of the more sensitive fish towards nitrates.
  18. Hmmm..is'nt this suppose to be a thread for species tanks? Why talking about cars?
  19. They even had poison dartfrogs once though. Most are probably confiscated by authorities and passed to them. However, I have witnessed reptile and amphibian husbandry by the local tourist attractions and all I can say that their level of experience is sub-standard. OVERFED dartfrogs...mixed species housing..cramped enclosures..etc...
  20. No problem..thanks for the super mushroom.
  21. I have noticed that Reefez kalkwasser comprises 98% of calcium hydroxide with a small percentage of calcium carbonate. Reefez Calcium plus..comprises mainly of calcium chloride, magnesium chloride..and strontium (ahaha..finally got the spelling right) chloride. So my question is....do we need to dose these 2 products together? Will dosing calcium plus alone have any effect on the ionic balance of our marine water since there are chloride ions involved? I feel like changing to calcium plus..but I'm still unsure if I should.
  22. The pirahnas have been there for years already...... When was the last time u went underwater world?
  23. Last but not least..he needs an I.D on this sea star. I feel it should be reef-safe..what the rest of you ppl think? It's meant to be food for harlequin eventually....
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