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Everything posted by FuEl

  1. They need to be fed phytoplankton to survive long run. You may wish to try Phytofeast Live, available from Iwarna.
  2. Check with Aquarium Artist. He have.
  3. One of my favourites, quite tough. Survives the occassional 29 degrees temperature spike. Top down shot of right side. Some STN during Aquarama but should recover.
  4. Some photos as promised. Suffered some abuse during Aquarama period but slowly recovering. Skimmerless still. Top shot of left side. One of the blue LEDS blew, the corals are browning a little due to spectrum shift. Right side a little better due to more blue spectrum.
  5. You can try Fauna Marin Power Trace 1-4. This is available from either MarineLife (only 250ml bottle in stock) or Iwarna (both 250ml and 500ml bottles in stock). The dosage is a maximum of 10ml/100L per week. This dosage can be lower depending on your nutrient concentration and your amount of corals. For your JBJ 28 Gallon tank, your maximum dose will be about 10ml per week after taking water displacement by rocks, sand, etc. You start with around 2.5ml per week and slowly increase the dosage while observing how the corals respond. So a single 500ml bottle will last you more than a year. That's about $11 per month on trace elements if you get Power Trace 1-4 in 500ml bottles. Dosing frequency simply means splitting up the dose needed to maintain your Ca/kH/Mg levels into many smaller doses. For example for my 5 gallon pico tank, I am currently dosing 16ml of Part A & 16ml of Part B a day. I split this dose into 24 dosing intervals, meaning each dose at any one time is around 0.66ml. If I only set 4 intervals to dose this amount, each dose will be 4ml. 4ml of sodium bicarbonate into 5 gallons of water at one shot will cause a sharp rise in kH and such shock to corals do not promote optimal growth. You can opt for Balling Light Method, the trace elements are added in to you Ca/Mg/kH solutions and you do not have to dose the trace elements individually anymore. http://www.reef-support.com/downloads.php?do=file&id=4
  6. Thanks for the well wishes guys. Hi Zac, are you dosing manually or with dosing pump? If you are running dosing pump it is better to dose more intervals per day, it depends on the volume of the solutions you need to dose a day. More frequent doses mean that parameters will fluctuate less. Light spectrum also plays a part, try to include some blue spectrum to help pull out the colors. Other ways to manipulate color will depend on the trace elements you dose, along with frequency. I'll update my tank pic in a few hours.
  7. You need 5 micron socks to trap the precipitate. Let me know if you need, I have ready stock of 4" or 7" diameter 5 micron Polypropylene socks. These last at least twice as long as Polyester ones.
  8. Lol..crown of thorns starfish on stocklist..

    1. cedricang


      Er...Fuel, this is not laughing matters. Crown of throrns starfish ?! You kidding right ?

  9. Lower salinity down to 1.011. Leave it for about 1-2 weeks you should be rather safe. Slowly raise the s.g back to 1.015-1.016 to keep your fish later. At that salinity not many parasites can survive.
  10. When clarkii clowns mature they become aggressive as they approach spawning age. Not much problem in larger tanks but in smaller tanks they will end up killing everything else, especially in 12 gallons.
  11. Airstone skimmers work great for pico tanks. There is no additional heat input by airstones. Doubt anyone will bring in Mame glass skimmer due to the prohibitive costs. Easily 3 digits retail. If you go to Thailand there is a replica being made there which should be more affordable.
  12. Last pair of captive bred premium snowflake ocellaris - $700 Last pair of captive bred black ice ocellaris - $250 Captive bred read head gobies (XL) - $45 Captive bred yellow neon gobies (E. figaro) (limited pieces only) - $35 Fishes stable for 3 weeks, disease free. Available at Iwarna, contact me at 90660450 for viewing arrangement.
  13. Probably from Bali. Bali bred clowns always do come with some things though, best to treat them as wild fish. Real Wyoming White from C-quest are now almost unobtainable even in U.S. The owner Bill Addison has refused to let off the remaining. Those who have them in their collection now are the lucky few. Wyoming Whites are different, no way those from Bali can compare.
  14. More information on the new species discovered. http://reefbuilders.com/2011/05/15/bali-new-reef-fish-coral/ Somehow that Euphyllia looks like the ones that came from Tonga shipment.
  15. Some information of black ice ocellaris available through Iwarna. http://glassbox-design.com/2010/ora-black-ice-snowflake-clownfish/ Only 4 pcs will be made available, contact me for arrangement if interested. Also available are premium snowflake ocellaris, about 80-90% of the fish is white. Only 3 pieces will be made available, contact me for arrangement if interested. Pricewise more expensive than platinum percula. Premium snowflake ocellaris are more white than this. Red head gobies are very good size as well.
  16. It's a variant produced by crossing black ocellaris with snowflake ocellaris.
  17. High quality captive bred fish at Iwarna. Orchid dottyback, sunrise dottyback, neon dottyback, green banded goby, red head goby. Black ice ocellaris available upon request. Limited stocks do act fast!
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