Reminds me of the days when firefish were only 5 bucks..and brain corals were $8....oh well...good also. Higher price makes people think twice before buying.'s ok since it's very efficient...
I tune to the maximum air intake...and the lowest water level...was told to use less air..but if i tune to less air the water level in the column would go i just let all the air in....
You all should feel glad that corals are coming in with least they are not banned totally.
Be glad that there are enough marine hobbyists here to sustain the marine hobby.
Some things you want get here with CITES permit and all the necessary paper work also cannot.
It's running on a 2000l/h atman pump. The air will be chopped up by the impeller in the pump.
Although the body column is short, it is very wide..There is alot of time for the bubbles to come into contact with organics.
Not nitrates..might be due to stress from other factors. Check your pH. Is it being bullied by any other fishes? Try improving it's diet. Blend your own recipe with fresh seafood.
Hmmm..sorry to hijack..just asking a question...I've got a half-full CO2 cylinder at home with solenoid and regulator....been collecting dust for about a year already...
Is it advisable to leave the tank like that? Will I have to empty the gas if not it might just explode one day? Think I'm paranoid..but last time I refill for people before...the gush of CO2 rushing out is really scary!
Oh yes..almost can play with the water input and the air intake...the guy advised me to use a little air...but then I found my own liking.
I decreased the water level as low as possible..and I tuned the air input to 100%. want this? If you want it then tell me..then I shall devise a way to trap it. Getting too bossy around my tank...took a nip out of my yellow-head jawfish..and out of my yellow coral goby...
It's about 3 to 3.5 inches. Can let it go for $20. Become whitespot resistant already.
Oh yes...I solved the salt spray of the water coming out from such a height. Slimpy turn the piping nearest to the skimmer body...and use a piece of foam sandwiched there to 'catch' the water. Lessens the splash. Don't stuff the foam in the water output pipe or the skimmer will overflow.
Real easy to set up...only in-sump models are available. I took the more squarish design (as i dun want to wait). There is a newer design whereby the water input pipe is parallel opposite the water output of the skimer..making it more space efficient to some.
Bought it for $200 during the promotion. Not sure whether promotion ended already...if it did then it will be $250.
There is a bigger model for $400 but that can't fit in my sump. tank is 4 ft....and it's smaller than it sounds. Those who have seen my tank can tell you why.
About the 3rd day my new skimmer has been operating. Emptied the collection cup yesterday afternoon at 2pm... Look at the collection cup today at 3.33pm! So much gunk! Compare it to my weipro 2012 on the right. Both are skimming. Obviously one is more efficient.
Calibrate your pH test kit using newly mixed saltwater. If it still reads 7.5 then it's your test kit problem.
If the test kit is alright, be glad that your livestocks are still doing well...if they are....