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Everything posted by FuEl

  1. Third fish looks like it's from Andaman island. Looks like Epinephelus flavocaeruleus. 4th fish some brotulid?
  2. Tentatively pending collection tmrw morning by 8526****. Will update if not collected by then.
  3. Giving away this workhorse, 6 inch body, about 1.4m tall. Recommended pump, Iwaki MX100 or 1 x RIO HF32 per beckett nozzle. Initiative of future user to provide own garbage bags to wrap up the skimmer for transport as I do not intend to clean the skimmer. It will be destined to be thrown away if no one is interested. Sms me at 90660450 to arrange self collection, FCFS basis. Will throw by Saturday if no takers. Collection in Marine Parade.
  4. I'll get flamed.. I let the acros grow over each other.
  5. Some trimming & "replanting" done...
  6. <28.5 degrees, above 25 degrees. Most maintain from 26-28.
  7. http://forums.saltwaterfish.com/t/362810/lionfish-and-frogfish http://archive.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=279271 Following documentary gives lots of insight, 21s the frogfish ate a lionfish as large as it. http://www.oasishd.ca/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=317:artseaofcreepymonsters&catid=22:cats&Itemid=3
  8. Careful when the frogfish gets bigger. Lionfish are the favourite food of frogfish. Seen it happen in documentaries too many times, venomous spines are useless against frogfish.
  9. Clown trigger may end up killing everything else.
  10. One of the harder skunks to find.
  11. Tomorrow Iwarna around noon. Orchid dottyback, Neon Dottyback, Sunrise Dottyback, Berghia Nudi (2 for $60), Yellow Assessor, Blue Neon Goby, Platinum Perculas, Picasso Perculas, Extreme Snowflake Ocellaris, Blacker Ice Ocellaris, Tangerine Ocellaris, Black Ocellaris, Hybrid Ocellaris (Percula x Black Ocellaris). Some items will not be bagged. Just enquire. Tangerine Ocellaris going for $1400 a pair (only 1 pair available).
  12. Shipment next week, do save $. Will update more details once shipment is in.
  13. You can get completely black ocellaris but have their snouts turn orange if you feed cyclopeeze. Blackness in fish depends both on diet & maturity. Of all the breeding pairs of black ocellaris I have none of them have orange snouts, although in some pairs when I got them there were traces of orange but after awhile they do all turn black. Black ocellaris all originate from Darwin, only that those from U.S might be a little more inbred. The black ocellaris in Singapore that I produce all have Darwin bloodline, the adults I handpicked from Townsville back in 2005. Coralfarm also brings in direct from Australia producers.
  14. Barbouri juveniles, they are way past live brine shrimp stage already. Aim to get them onto P.E mysis before they are sold. Price wise will follow U.S standard as raising seahorse in tanks is much more work than raising in sea cages & there is not a lot to go around. Some will be kept for future projects for sure.
  15. Just fragged but probably will be sold before they encrust. Been in their SPS tank for months already.
  16. I have a few at 2.5 months. Brooding male was from Terryz. Eating Hikari mysis & Reef Nutrition Arctipods already. But not of size yet, unless buyer is willing to risk. Now only 1 inch long (including tail length). These are true captive bred, tank raised & fed 6 times a day, no exposure to unwanted pathogens. An interesting article that distinguishes tank bred seahorses from pen raised seahorses (very common import from Vietnam). http://www.fusedjaw.com/aquariumcare/net-pen-raised-seahorses/
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