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Everything posted by FuEl

  1. Hmmm...Depends on how you define reef safe. If toppling rocks is considered non-reef safe to you then just pick the smaller specimens. They move like bulldozers!
  2. Another new shrimp...from the genus Lysmata (related to the usual cleaner shrimps available)...The species name goes something like kueiken or something..can't remember.. Anyway..this guy changes color...from red to green to grey... I shall name it 'Transformer'
  3. It just needs to be fed...anyway...for the price I think it is best to go down ML..it's not overly expensive. Quite reasonable for such quality specimens.
  4. Instead of mounting rock to the back wall why not just mount pieces of glass? Coat them with coral sand before mounting them. Overtime, it will look like liverock anyway.
  5. Yes..those edible kind. Only 1 type of abalone wat... Oh yes..ML oso have.....BLUE mushrooms!
  6. Another shot of this beauty....
  7. Grand finale...*rolls drum*....BLUE sea squirtS!
  8. Another shot of this cute bugger...hopefully dun go into my I-box.
  9. Meet........Mr abalone! Hope he keeps my glass clean! Such a cute bugger...glides like a ferrari in mollusc terms.
  10. ML!!! Lots of abalones (great to combat algae, diatoms..) Lots of ###### shrimp (thor amboinensis) Lots of small glass shrimps (maybe anemone shrimps..not sure) Lots of nice sea squirts. Lots of unique snails (something like astrea snails, but shell got alot of 'spikes') Pics of the glass shrimp, sea squirt, abalone available under my tank thread. eAquarist!!! Lots of nice flasher wrasse lots of cute harlequin shrimps yellow head, purple head boxing shrimps saw 2 ###### shrimp Lots of black sea cukes Sea stars (chocolate chip, orange linkia) 2 cleaner shrimps left.. from the genus Lysmata (changes color!) Sri lankan pistol shrimp Hermits available (orange legged)
  11. FuEl

    Surge Device

    Such creative minds.
  12. If you are keeping small shrimps and other inverts you can say byebye to them too.
  13. Information on the crab. http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/prod_Di...=23&pCatId=1474
  14. A VERY informative site. http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Han...eniaIodide.html
  15. Hmmm..he was just giving reefers ideas on how to mount their MHs. Not commercial in nature as he did not ask people to buy from him nor did he quote a price. It is the reefers who are asking him. Who to blame?
  16. Mine is an antique Canon powershot A20.
  17. Nightshot of this little bugger. Hopefully does'nt swing his anemones around too much.
  18. Nope..dun look like aiptasia to me. Aiptasia have longer tentacles n tend to be light brown in color.
  19. Ah...mine 1 bubble every 10 secs..drip rate about 1 drop every 5 secs.
  20. Ok...sps made me invest in a Ca reactor...but then..think worthwhile in the long run..don't have to top up manually that often already..less troublesome..less stressful for the organisms too.
  21. Take caution on the so called acropora gobies...aka clown gobies. I had to sell of my established one as it had the habit of pecking at sps polyps. With other corals they are fine. But dunno why they will peck at their so called hosts.
  22. Ok..last pic...gotta stop buying any more frags..running out of space to place them. Can only concentrate them in the middle back portion of my tank.
  23. Right side...damn..gotta get a better cam...pics look so different from the thing.....
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