Harlequin shrimp price revised to $28. Do take note that it is adult size.
Sea squirts - $10 (2 individuals on one rock, bought for $12)
Zoanthids - $10 ($25 from ML)
Caulerpa - $5
1 ft long black sea cuke - $5
3/4 ft long pink and grey sea cuke - $5
Used I-box (smallest version). Customized to fit over 6cm bracing. Inner and outer box both heavily encrusted with coralline. Used since last october/nov (can't quite remember). Going for $60. Collection sometime next week.
Used 4ft X 1.5ft X 1.5ft tank w/o overflow. 6mm sides, 8 or 10 mm base (can't remember). Will let go free. Pls provide own transport. Would appreciate if buyer has some time to spare to help me when my new tank arrives.. If not it's okie..
Collection at bedok area. Happy reefing guys~