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Everything posted by FuEl

  1. Do let me know if you want christmas moss. I have them growing terrestial and can spare some. Btw..there used to be a local planted mailing list or forum called plantnutx or something..you have any idea what happened to it?
  2. Best you sell the tank and get one specially built with eurobracings and an overflow hole drilled into the tank. Do it right the first time..don't be like me..use a normal 6mm glass non-drilled tank and have to change tank later.
  3. Hope once I get my pumps external I won't even need to be using a fan...but highly unlikely...T5s run hot! Although cooler than power compacts.
  4. Die die lor... No need market prawn to start cycling liao. Anyway..bacteria multiply very fast. They will double their population in just a matter of hours. Add some starter livesand and unkilled liverock and I'm going to have my first livestock in within a week. No high bioload stuff like tangs,etc that is.
  5. Hmm..LS will be clearing in the next few days. Any unsold fish bring to LFS lor. Then I will kill my rocks in freshwater. If need to buy more liverock then I will end up killing them also. Murderer of rocks....sounds cruel huh..
  6. I just dismantled my tank today. Return pump offline. Skimmer pump offline. Lights offline. Fans offline too. And now my water temperature is 26 degrees celcius only! Maybe tomorrow morning check again..maybe can hit 25 degrees?
  7. FuEl

    diy overflow box

    A cannot be higher than B. If not your siphon will break. A cannot be lower than B... It would drain water from the compartment made by C in the external box back into the internal box. You'll have a broken siphon in this case too. Make A & B the same height and it will solve all your problems.
  8. Calcium chloride will work in increasing your Ca levels. You can use kalkwasser to maintain the Ca levels after that. However, you must match the kalk dosage according to your Ca consumption for the Ca level to be maintained in the long run. It's best to invest in a calcium reactor. Will save you lots in the long run. Long term use of kalkwasser will also lead to magnesium deficiency.
  9. You can place it just about anywhere. Either in the middle of your tank or on the bottom. It depends on your lighting really. If you are using MH don't place it all the way high up or it will get burnt. If you are using FL or PL then you might want to place it high up.
  10. Target feed it with forceps. I did that with mine. Hold the food right in front of it and it will take it.
  11. hehe..I used to keep them kH of 6 too..but they grew awesomely slow..so now I increase kH to around 10.. Anyway..ervine..look closely at your zoanthids and double check if you have contracted any parasitic nudibranchs. Let's just hope its not caused by these fellas.
  12. Check the more important parameters like pH, kH, specific gravity, nitrite. Doubt it's nitrates unless you have ridiculous amounts like 80ppm and above.
  13. I would expect the carpet anemone to eat the anemone shrimp instead. Not many species of clownfish will stay with a carpet anemone too. Anyway, you talking about the normal anemone shrimp? I used to keep them without anemones and they ate anything I fed them. They did'nt live past a few weeks without a host though..that's why now I refrain from keeping them.
  14. Pics are on the previous page......
  15. Still finding for homes for my cute 2cm black cardinal fish, adult longspine cardinalfish...and my rainford goby...Rainford will be going for $8. Has taken to adult live brineshrimp already. Bring some live brineshrimp for me if you want to see it eat before purchasing. . If no response by tuesday I might have to pass them to a LFS.
  16. It has potential! Do hope my new setup can at least be half as nice as yours..then I will be smiling already.. everything so neat!
  17. Assuming you're talking about High Output T5 tubes, the standard wattage that these tubes come in is 39W. You can overdrive the tubes past 39W if you know how but it could possibly shorten the lifespan of your tube. You might want to check out the Icecap ballasts as they can be used to overdrive T5s rather safely. The price of icecap ballasts is not cheap though.. So far I don't think there are any people bringing these in..you might have to import it in directly from the states yourself..
  18. Just observed mine having a behavior similar to a jawfish. It actually picked up small gravel with its mouth and throw them at a predetermined spot! Maybe it was influenced by rambo the jawfish..
  19. Checked your basic water parameters?
  20. Seems correct according to a japanese website. I only found one website with the picture to match the name..
  21. Actually nothing to be worried about..healthy corals should be able to recover quite easily. If you are worried next time just wear disposable plastic gloves or something when you handle your coral.
  22. Yep..goniopora alright..alveopora has thinner, lighter and more brittle skeletons.
  23. Hmmm..well done weileong on following your own instinct instead of other ppl's advice. Not so sure about the aquamedic needle wheel and ocean runner...but I know that the PO4 filter is not so effective. Sometimes brands don't mean everything.
  24. Saw this site on accident. Lots of pics of angels, butterflyfish, etc. Good information! http://www2.odn.ne.jp/nmc/fish%20librally.htm
  25. Ok..thanks..found a pic to double check already..
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