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Everything posted by FuEl

  1. Polyps expand more at night because sps in the wild know that there are more zooplankton in the surrounding water during the night. Zooplankton in the wild stay hidden in the depths during the night, only rising to the surface after dusk to feed. Thus it makes perfect sense that sps polyps extend more during the night. Not forgetting that there will be no fishes awake to nip on their sensitive polyps.
  2. Mix base fert with gravel for bottom layer. Then lay gravel over it. If you just dump gravel over the base fert over some time your plant roots will start rotting.
  3. Something to do with some inner balance thingy in your ears. Forgot the mumbo jumbo about it. Anyway, it beats having chest ache once in awhile. Everyday I just pray it ends permanently.
  4. Upz for those who missed my post.
  5. Hmmm...dogs have fur..so maybe not that pain? Not sure. But I used to chase my relative's siamese cat with remote control car, tie strings to damselflies and fly the bugger, use flamethrower on longkang crabs, chase chickens with water hose till they start flying in fear,etc But now I have better and more meaningful things to do.
  6. Pet safari. The florist. Sells fresh jasmine petals I think. Not sure about dried ones.
  7. Anyway, never liked animal abusers nor people who neglect their pets. No matter how cheap they cost you they still have the same right as every living thing.
  8. OMG....It's a guy whom I used to know. But severed ties with him when I found out that he had lousy character. Thank goodness I did so long long ago. I'm not appalled by the smuggling news....I'm more shocked by the state of his dogs. They were so happy looking when I saw them more than a year ago.
  9. FuEl

    Amino Acids

    Amino acids make up protein. Feeding protein based foods like golden pearls will already provide them with amino acids.
  10. I cycled my liverockless tank with a damsel... But it was one damsel in about 50 gallons of water. Still happily living to date.
  11. Lots of purple firegobies at re**rn. Also lots of dyed gonioporas and dyed cup corals.
  12. Any breeding success? Might wanna get some juveniles of T.candidi. Awesome fish.
  13. Feeding frenzy. Missed those red-eye emperor tetras. Anyway, now looking for cherry red shrimp...S grade. Anyone know any people here who have them can pm me?
  14. My torn down 4 footer. Kinda miss planted tanks now.. Pic taken after tank ran for 2 years. Meaning base substrate kinda depleted. Which is why the foreground like a little botak. Used to be a hairgrass paradise for shrimp.
  15. Anyone can I.D the cuke? It looks a little transparent with pink tinge..don't resemble any cuke I've came across leh..
  16. ? I got C5 for my chinese O's. C6 for my chinese 'AO'. Die die both time dun want retake.
  17. ........... I get pms on my elegance... first pm : Hi..can I have it for $35? second pm : Hi..can I have it for $30? My ans to all : No, not even $39. I'll rather give it as a gift to a fren later on.
  18. Oxymetopon goby...Difficulty = VERY HARD My first one died from not eating. This time bought 2 which I saw eating. 1 did'nt make it although I rushed them home. Just kept breathing heavily until it died. This one so far doing well...feeding it 3 times a day.
  19. Pic of a sea cucumber in my tank which came from nowhere. Initially thought it was a nudibranch as I first saw it as a 0.5cm creature. But now it's thumblength.
  20. Double in height and width!? Even mine don't even grow as fast... Send me a pm with your questions on fragging. Will let you know what to do.
  21. Just came back from joo chiat supper..anyway guys...all frags have been reserved and buyers have been informed of collection. Elegance still available.
  22. Ah..rushing out now..get back to ya guys later in the morning.
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