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Everything posted by FuEl

  1. Go green. Don't drive and you won't be worried about petrol pricing. Won't end up adding to air pollution too. A bicycle is a very common alternative to many people who don't drive.
  2. Don't worry the female won't become egg-bound. If mating does not occur, oocyte atresia will take place. This simply means she will breakdown the eggs and assimilate the nutrients.
  3. BenQ Joybook? One of the best entertainment laptops if you ask me. Comes with remote control too. I use mine for gaming...it rocks..
  4. I don't think you need to worry excessively. Iron oxide is really very much inert. If iron was that harmful I don't think they would be purposely sinking ships in the oceans to make artificial reefs. But if the nut is made of copper...I'm not sure if it will do harm..but the word copper just does'nt sound too good does it?
  5. It never fails to amaze me that the smaller spiders are the ones which pack the punch. eg. funnel webs, black widows, etc. The largest spiders like tarantulas are really quite harmless. They will still bite, but they won't kill you.
  6. FuEl


    Gonioporas fare badly mainly for 2 reasons... 1. If you read up on their habitat, they are usually found in murky, sediment laden waters rich in nutrients. Most aquariums do not provide these conditions, even underskimmed tanks won't be murky...Unless you make it a point to design a murky tank. All corals need a source of protein. They can either obtain it from dissolved nitrogeneous compounds or from live prey. I've never seen gonioporas actually capture and ingest prey like artemia nauplii but then again they could possibly be capturing prey invisible to the ###### eye (Bacteria species, etc). 2. Most gonioporas succumb to bacterial/other pathogenic diseases shortly after being collected. Generally it has got to do with their handling when they are being collected. As gonioporas are generally quite abundant in the wild, the collectors who sell them to middlemen earn very little. They make up for this by collecting more and crowding them in holding vessels probably leading to physical damage of individuals. If you think about the common flowerpot coral, it does take quite awhile for them to shrink down fully into their skeletons. Lifting them out of water before this happens can very easily lead to tissue damage and subsequent infection.
  7. Ah I thought of another one.. "When you do things for her without thinking for yourself" Most guys are'nt so stupid..but then again some are..
  8. Run two heaters just in casE?
  9. If you can only get hold of ghost shrimp an alternative is to buy a needle syringe and selcon. Inject the shrimp with the selcon before feeding to your seahorse.
  10. Came across this. Hope some of you might find it useful. Cheers~ http://reefkeeping.com/issues/2005-05/eb/index.htm
  11. Came across this. Hope some of you might find it useful. Cheers~ http://reefkeeping.com/issues/2005-05/eb/index.htm
  12. Hey dudes...a store I visited was having a sale on pc games. I'm not sure if it would be cheaper to buy them in Singapore. Hence if any of you have any idea of the pricing of original titles listed below pls reply to this thread 1) World of Warcraft (Aus $89 with 20% off) 2) Counterstrike condition zero (Aus $49 with 50% off) 3) Half-life 2 with counterstrike source (Aus $89 with 20% off) Thanks alot!
  13. Praying mantis? Nice snack for lizards....
  14. It's normal cause its dead. That's how corals grow they deposit calcium carbonate skeletons over the old skeleton and grow upwards, abandoning the old skeleton below. If you were to hack off the old skeleton, the coral will still survive as it does not depend on the old skeleton anymore.
  15. Best bet is to visit Malaysian stores either in J.B or K.L. Then again I might be able to ask my friends for you. Just pm me the exact species you are looking for. Cheers~
  16. All you need is a printed T-shirt which reads: "I'm not brad pitt...and I don't dig girls"
  17. I think it can be bought from the farms. You just got to ask. Then again you could always breed your own if you got the time. Penaeid larvae can be raised to postlarvae solely on artificial foods.
  18. A better choice would be to drop by prawn farms and buy newly hatched postlarvae. I visited liveaquaria.com and realized they have been selling Penaeus vannamei postlarvae as marine food for predatory fish like seahorses. Species cultured in Singapore are also Penaeid shrimp and their postlarvae would make the ideal food. These are far more nutritious than brine shrimp or ghost shrimp. Although brine shrimp can be enriched, its hard to keep them alive in most marine systems due to their pelagic activity (normally they go through overflows and stuff). Postlarvae of Penaeid shrimp are benthic and are easier to manage in a seahorse tank. They can be maintained on marine fish food. And unlike brine shrimp, they will store the appropriate amounts of DHA. Brine shrimp have been known to catabolize DHA after enrichment. You might want to try prawn farms in Sungei Buloh (if they still exist?).
  19. Either from the genus Urocaridella or Periclemenes. Why not you ask Henry? As far as I know he is the only one in Sg who actually puts in considerable effort to bring these shrimp in. You won't see such variety elsewhere I assure you.
  20. Yea...I love that hor fun too..Don't even need to wait 5 minutes the food come already..
  21. Oooo..cute! Such size variation..were they from different spawns or all from a single spawn?
  22. Sit around shake leg eat soft rice lor. Our turn to relax. Just like how the male lion sits around waiting for the lioness to do the kill..or like the deep sea anglerfish where the male just feeds off the female..
  23. Depends who got in your tank first..the cleaner shrimp or the dottyback?
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