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Everything posted by FuEl

  1. Pic taken without flash. Under T5s. One 10,000K tube and one blue pro tube. Did'nt open at the shop..till now I'm still waiting for the polyps to show..
  2. Hmm...I prefer to have my salmon baked with cheese.
  3. The person said they specialize more in corals. However they did have some rare fish like highfin perchlets, however I grabbed all.
  4. The nicest setup I have ever seen. Lots of unusual corals like purple and green lobos, etc.
  5. Try cleaning the neck daily using tapwater or your tank water. You'll be surprised. The function of the column is for foam to rise, not for collecting scum. The scum that is skimmed out is collected in the cup. If scum collects at the inner column, how can organic foam rise? It's as good as a clogged pipe. Since when does laziness pay?
  6. 3mm rather big. Cleaner and pistol shrimp larvae only like 1mm plus. If the things u see got legs and they swim like shrimps they are most probably juveniles or adult already.
  7. Larvae not so big one. Looks more like mysis..
  8. That caulerpa is actually one of the easiest to maintain. I came back after 5 months overseas and it literally took over the whole tank. My photoperiod was only 8-10 hours a day. Think the secret is not to skim too much and don't change too much water.
  9. I don't hear marbles. I hear the sound of concrete thumping on concrete in the wee hours of the morning from the roof top as I live on the highest floor. Normally happens past midnight to 2-3am. Never happens in the day. Questioned the security guard but supposedly no one is up there at that hour as there is no access (door to the roof is locked). Seen a few neighbours come and go, but I kind of got used to it.
  10. A skimmer can only be the most efficient if it is cleaned out daily. That's what I do for my weipro, I scrub the inner neck clean every day. Each day I empty about 1/4 a cup of skimmate (coffee with milk?). If you cleaned the Tunze collection cup daily I'm sure you will see greater efficiency too.
  11. Any fry to spare? Might just want to try them out for fun..
  12. Crustaceans all reserved. Rest still available.
  13. Wow guys culturing calanoid copepods? Probably linked to a hatchery? Anyway, never heard of those suction syringe guns before. Unless you are talking about those employed for submersibles.
  14. Open polyp appears green, however appears bright pink when closed. Colors are more vibrant when viewed from the top. The pic does'nt give justice to it. Seeing is believing. One 2-3cm frag going for only $5. Also a limited 2 frags which are similar to the above. However when closed the body is orange. My camera skill sucks, again seeing is believing. Going for about $6 per frag. One purple yuma polyp - $15 (From PR) One bright fluorescent green carpet anemone (healthy) - $30 Female Alpheus randalli pistol - $5 Lybia tesselata aka boxing crab - $5 Stenopus cyanoscelis - $8 Pm me if interested, staying in east around bedok mrt area.
  15. Try a Montipora digitata or M. capriconis. These are the easier sps to start off with. I have a few frags currently let me know if you want to try them out.
  16. Thought of another poll for you. How far do you normally stand away from the urinal?
  17. Hmmm..thought this was pink zoanthid. In the end only the outer part is pink. Inside all green. Anyway it should be the most beautiful zoanthid when closed.
  18. Just wondering if this color is unique. When fully opened its about dark dirty green. However when it is fully closed it looks pink.
  19. The fish in the middle with the unique pattern on the head can command designer price.
  20. Try not to let temperatures rise above 28 degrees. Happened once during a warm spell and I lost all my propagated xenias. Another tip is to maintain your kH level. Lights above 10,000 Kelvins work well. Anything lower than that and your xenia will most probably turn brown (if it was originally white, etc).
  21. Hmm..no probs..but with that said culturing benthic copepods can be useful for other purposes. Such as feeding pipefish, mandarins and other small fish that are hard to wean onto dead food items. A shallow tank of bioballs should work well, with lighting or sunlight provided and with regular addition of silicates (good if your tapwater contains silicates). Increasing evaporation and replacing the lost water with silicate laden tapwater will see your diatoms bloom. That's natural food source for those benthic copepods.
  22. All seems well..all the best in fry raising!
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