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Everything posted by FuEl

  1. Emeralds still available, they are kept somewhere to eat valonia. Just need to ask, they are good in hiding.
  2. Mauritius shipment 2pm @ Iwarna. Flameback angelfish, mauritius coral beauty, cooperi anthias, evansi anthias, chaetodon madagascariensis, chromis vanderbilti, chrysiptera annulata, bluestreak fusilier red phase, firefish, halichoeres pelicieri, macrophargynodon cyanoguttatus, macrophargynodon lapillus, macropharyngodon bipartitus, paracheilinus piscilineatus trio (http://reefbuilders.com/2011/01/31/paracheilinus-piscilineatus/), pseudocheilinus dispilus, Pseudojuloides xanthomos pair (http://reefbuilders.com/2010/06/02/yellow-slender-wrasse-pseujuloides-xanthomos-imported-time-bbox-aquarium/), thalasomma sp., scolopsis frenatus, amphiprion chrysogaster.
  3. Friday coming true deep red hawaiin flame angels, supplier confirmed 8pcs. We remain hopeful.
  4. 8am. Think will have Hawaii shipment on Saturday, confirm stocks later.
  5. Friday morning at Iwarna: Black cap grammas, sunrise dottybacks, swissguard basslets, tinker butterflies (sold), helfrich gobies, blue neon gobies, yellowhead jawfish, lettuce nudibranch, black tangs (3"), peppermint shrimps, emerald crabs, Rhomboids. Next week at Iwarna: Mauritius shipment (gem tangs sold), exotic South Pacific cultured clam shipment (maximas, croceas, squamosas).
  6. Calloura anthias and tigerpyge sold. For pre-orders drop me a message. Other fishes available very nice genicanthus melanospinos. Bali lunate anthias: http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/prod_display.cfm?c=15+20+3260&pcatid=3260 Pseudanthias luzonensis: http://www.bluezooaquatics.com/productDetail.asp?cid=10&pid=2120&did=1
  7. Shipment just arrive at Iwarna. Many multibar angelfish, emperor angels, juvenile majestic angels, purple firegoby, dispar anthias, pseudanthias cf lunulatus, tigerpyge, yasha gobies, calloura anthias, lyretail hogfish, blue tangs, rhinopias, metallic red haddoni anemones (do enquire for booking, currently sold out).
  8. Philippines shipment just arrive at Iwarna. Australia shipment tmrw morning. Neon green toadstools, sinularia, acropora, scolymias, duncans, golden torch, elegance coral, aussie war corals,chromis nitida, ecsenius tigris, plectranthias longimanus, harlequin tuskfish.
  9. Iwarna Philippines shipment just arrive. Got venustus angels, burgess butterflies, etc
  10. Cuban hog at Iwarna reserved. Spanish flag grouper one pc still available. Carmabi pair sold, left singles. Swissguard still available.
  11. Tigerpyges and bella goby reserved tentatively. Due for this evening arrival: Liopropoma aberrans (reserved, we accept pre-orders) Liopropoma eukrines (reserved, we accept pre-orders) 2 x Spanish flags 4-5cm (available, second rarest grouper) http://www.advancedaquarist.com/blog/spanish-flag-turns-up-at-absolutely-fish Liopropoma carmabi mated pair and singles (available, the real candy basslet) http://www.advancedaquarist.com/2006/10/fish 2 x Liopropoma rubre (swissguard basslet) (available) Serranus phoebe (reserved, we accept pre-orders) Small blue angels, small french angels, rock beauties,centropyge argi, Sailfin Blenny, blue reef chromis, chromis insolatus, chromis scotti, priolepis hipoliti, medium atlantic blue tangs, lettuce nudibranchs.
  12. Detailed stocklist of fish at Iwarna tomorrow: Emperor angelfish, golden angelfish, dispar anthias, tiger queen anthias, Jewel anthias, hutchi anthias, fasciatus anthias (reserved), pseudanthias rubrizonatus, sunburst anthias, resplendent anthias, bicolor anthias, borbonius anthias (reserved), Pseudanthias calloura (reserved), Tigerpyges (reserved), stellatus dragonet, twin spot goby, yasha goby, longnose hawkfish, clown surgeonfish, gold rimmed surgeonfish, powder blue tang, blue tangs, sailfin tangs, filamentosus wrasse, carpenter wrasse, cyanopleura wrasse, solarensis wrasse, Pseudochromis tonozukai, Pseudocheilinus lineopunctatus. If any interest in the reserved fish please sms to 90660450 for next shipment.
  13. Anthias have high metabolic rates and ideally should be fed few times a day, the more frequent the better. Most people fail because they feed only once or twice a day, anthias still eat but slowly starve to death. And most reef tanks are quite warm at 26-27 degrees, that does not help with sporadic feeding. There's no way the fish can gain weight.
  14. If eating live brine got chance to wean. Use APBreed TDO C1. Pellets too big they will spit out. Other fish that eat C1: Mandarinfish, cleaner wrasse, moorish idols, purple queen anthias.
  15. Feed them newly hatched brine shrimp, cyclopeeze and use a kreisel. Endure daily chores for 5 months.
  16. All you need is the right sized pellet. TDO C1. Not hard to feed. Most people fail because they unknowingly feed items that are too big for these fish, same goes for purple queens.
  17. Interesting analysis..if purple tangs get sold at $40-50 which was the price 10 years ago won't this be a more rightful market price?
  18. Philippines shipment @ Iwarna tomorrow late morning: Stocks: Green chromis, springeri damsel, yellow belly damsel, Ecsenius stigmatura (tail spot blenny), Jann's pipefish, Cleaner wrasse, emperor angel adult, bicolor angel, severnsi pencil wrasse 2m2f, blue koran angel, sunburst anthias, keyhole angel, pink streak wrasse (Pseudocheilinops schultz), rusty angel, longnose hawkfish, polleni grouper, paraplesiops poweri, copperband butterfly, cyaneus flasher wrasse, carpenter wrasse, 7banded grouper, porcupine fish, P. wassi dottyback, tomato clown, 6line wrasse, hoeven's wrasse, green wrasse,eviota nigriventis, trimma tevegae, green mandarin, leopard wrasse, multibanded pipefish, ghost pipefish, antennata lionfish, razorfish, blue tangs, sailfin tangs, sepiacauda hogfish, grammica goby, brotulina fuscus, strombus, urchins, sand dollars, linckia starfish, bumblebee shrimp, blue velvet nudibranch.
  19. $80 is already below market price for purple tang, in fact it should be costing $100+. Just compare the price in Malaysia and U.S.
  20. Here's some links for you to come up with your own conclusions. http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=845934 http://www.ultimatereef.net/forums/archive/index.php/t-497739.html http://www.nano-reef.com/topic/336987-gfo-phosguard-iron-aluminum-no-bueno/ (clam lovers take note) If aluminium based absorbers were that bad, german brands like FM & Triton will not be carrying these products at all. For the data released on aluminium leaching, I have no comments. The only way I would trust such information is based on a independent analysis by a laboratory doing comparisons. For all you know both products may be the same.
  21. The hype about aluminium based phosphate removers leaching phosphate was due to a bad batch of seachem phosguard released in the 1990s. Such information is already outdated and should only be trusted for that period. Many successful german aquarist trust Ultraphos. Ultraphos is manufactured in such a way that it does not leach aluminium nor phosphates, and will change color from white to dark yellow when exhausted. Ultraphos removes phosphates and dissolved organics very fast, so it is important to follow the dosage instructions or you could clean your water too fast and have corals that will exhibit symptoms of light/nutrient shock. Ultraphos will also remove excess levels of iron which cause "unexplained" algae growth. The only things that Ultraphos will not do is fluidize as it is quite heavy nor will it disintegrate over time and enter your tank.
  22. Depends on the fish some fishes can tolerate higher temperatures. If the Acrylic is thick enough or if your tank is in air-conditioned room the tank may not sweat at 20 degrees. I've chilled to 23 degrees in normal climate on 6mm glass and experienced no sweating. If you want to save power invest in a drop in coil chiller, these are more efficient. We chill around 1.5 tonnes to 12 degrees recently and electrical consumption went up by about $200. For smaller tank volumes I doubt the increase in bills will ever reach that high. Pinecones are not that hard to keep as long as they are kept by themselves or with peaceful fishes and temperatures in the low 20s. You can consider flashlight fishes too.
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