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Everything posted by FuEl

  1. Have some left. Pm me with your contact if interested.
  2. Hi Bro, Guess your seahorse would be a male as males frequently can get air trapped in their abdominal pouch. Read the thread below as it gives a treatment. http://www.marinebreeder.org/phpbb/viewtopic.php?t=3232
  3. FuEl

    Trade zoanthids

    Last but not least..6th type..
  4. FuEl

    Trade zoanthids

    2nd type of zoanthid for trade. KeddRedd morph according to CoralPedia.com http://www.coralpedia.com/index.php?module...mp;g2_itemId=57
  5. Dottyback egg balls. Orange belongs to orchid dottyback. White belongs to oblique-lined dottyback.
  6. FuEl

    Trade zoanthids

    Trading the frag below for other zoanthids. Interested please email me at junkai666@hotmail.com of pics of the frags. Thank you.
  7. Have 1pc blue assessor up for sale. Going for $45. Interested pm me. Collection in Marine Parade Road.
  8. Percnon gibbesi, Sally lightfoot crab. Through a scientific study made on the wild populations in 2006 by Puccio et al., the species is now considered a strict herbivore. As such this crab would keep your algae under control. Always see plenty of these crabs at Pasir Ris farm, Ah Beng's place. http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/klu/...f41pb5.victoria
  9. Nitex mesh reserved. Will be scaling down my rotifer cultures this weekend so arrangement before that would be good.
  10. Providing live starter cultures of small strain rotifers. 1 liter of dense culture for $5. Also left 1 pc A4 sized 41 micron Nitex mesh for harvesting rotifers - $30 Interested drop me a pm with your contact. Collection will be in Marine Parade.
  11. Sounds like the parasitic isopod. Will lead to your shrimp losing it's reproductive ability.
  12. Let me know if you have any used canisters that you wish to clear. Please quote a price, along with model number. Able to trade with peppermint shrimps too. Thank you.
  13. Seachem Paraguard is not safe for invertebrates, even Seachem does not declare it as 100% invert safe. Copper is not the only thing toxic to inverts. Paraguard contains aldehydes and malachite green which can save fish, but will affect your inverts one way or another. Paraguard is also not safe for scaleless fish like mandarins.
  14. Iodine and iodide both occur as very trace amounts in natural seawater. The levels of trace elements in commercial sea salt brands commonly exceed the natural occuring concentrations. Regular water changes with artificial seawater are enough to maintain the levels. The only time when I feel it is necessary to dose iodine or iodide is when water changes are not frequent and you run ozone. Ozone will deplete your iodine and iodide levels. http://apt.allenpress.com/perlserv/?reques...03-025&ct=1 However between dosing iodine or iodide and changing water, I'll stick to the latter as there is no possibility of overdosing. Water changes also benefit the entire system as a whole, replenishing other trace elements as well.
  15. I breed countless shrimps but I have never once added iodine. I just change one bucket of water a week.
  16. Pair reserved. Thread closed.
  17. New batch ready for new homes. Pm me if interested.
  18. Letting off this pair. As you can see the male's pattern is a little unusual. Pair has acquired immunity to whitespot. Pick up in Marine Parade. $60 for the pair.
  19. The fish is next to 1/2 inch PVC piping.
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