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Everything posted by FuEl

  1. Only left about 20 pcs before next batch settles.
  2. Anyone who has any to let off kindly pm me with your asking price. Thanks.
  3. Give them time. Live adult brine shrimp is good to initiate feeding. Great if you can gutload your brine shrimp with Selco or something before feeding. The jawfish I have took about a week to begin venturing out and constructing their own burrows. Before that they all huddled in the same burrow and were quite skittish. Now they have more or less settled down.
  4. Thanks everyone. First time clownfish has bred for me. Not that picasso exactly, only halfway there. Price wise was just a little more expensive compared to normal patterned percs. Now working with orchid and oblique lined dottybacks. My black ocellaris are not spawning for me. The toughest part is getting clownfish to start laying.
  5. It's a tile used for construction. Has some white paint behind it that cannot be washed off. Was a little worried about using it, but so far everything is ok.
  6. After waiting for ages, this pair finally did something.
  7. You mean hatching brine shrimp cysts? Make sure the aeration is strong enough to keep all cysts suspended. Cysts that clump in one corner will not hatch. If your cysts are new they should hatch fine. If they have been opened and kept in storage at room temperature without refigeration they might have gone bad. Aeration is very important. I use a 12W air pump just to hatch brine shrimp.
  8. Just add enough copper such that the total copper concentration stays at the therapeutic level. I would do small water changes daily by siphoning the bottom. Top up with fresh saltwater and add copper to ensure that the overall copper concentration is maintained. Do not perform hyposalinity when dosing copper.
  9. Beautiful swissguard basslets, cherub and flameback angels at reef depot.
  10. #2, #3 and #5 reserved. Collection will be in Marine Parade.
  11. Price is now revised to $12 per shrimp. 5 or more pcs then it will be $10 per shrimp.
  12. #4 Left one - $25 Right one - $15
  13. Need to make space for my shrimp to grow. Selling off the zoanthids below. #1 - $10
  14. Iwarna has captive bred Hawaiin Dascyllus albisella. Only 2 bags (5 babies in each, <1cm babies). Very cute, good for nano tanks! Also a pair of Stenopus pyrsonotus, very well behaved fish cleaners.
  15. There is more to salt than just the basic parameters like pH, kH, Ca or Mg. The amount of heavy metals present in the salt mix in proportion to natural seawater value should not be neglected. Other elements that are often neglected include Sr and Br.
  16. Going for $8. Interested parties pm me your contact. Collection will be in Marine Parade.
  17. 1. Buy a product which will bind/absorb/lock ammonia. 2. Stabilize your kH to minimize pH swings. Try to keep a kH of at least 8. 3. Feed a good quality food which contains garlic. 4. Get a gravel cleaner and siphon the tank bottom daily and replace the water with new saltwater. 5. Increase water flow if possible. No point in treating it in a separate tank as the main tank is already infected. Just keep performing the above steps as it is less stressful on the fish.
  18. FuEl


    Have a 5ft tall D.I.Y scratching post to clear. Very durable. Up for trade/sale. Interested parties pm me your offers.
  19. Dear all, The species I am currently supplying is Lysmata boggessi. This is confirmed by the paper below. Rhyne AL, Lin J (2006) A western Atlantic peppermint shrimp complex: redescription of Lysmata wurdemanni (Gibbes), description of four new species, and remarks on L. rathbunae Chace (Crustacea: Decapoda: Hippolytidae). Bull Mar Sci 79:165–204 L. boggessi has been confirmed to take Aiptasia. Better choice compared to L. wurdemanni as L. wurdemanni is said to be a temperate-subtropical species. https://www.was.org/Meetings/AbstractData.a...bstractId=15704
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