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Golden Tooth

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Everything posted by Golden Tooth

  1. Welcome to the Club. In the cycling stage, u will see a lot of die off due to immature systems bro. Will take a few weeks to stable.
  2. All chillers needs good ventilation to work well.
  3. Hi, welcome. U mean the set up is 1 week old? U haven't cycle completely bro. May take few weeks.
  4. I thought u got the giant DA was talking about. Anyway nice colour u got there.
  5. Don't forget the smell. Mmm... The smell of LR.
  6. Today l saw them sold in another LFS too. Someone buying it. I tried to advice but the buyer gave me an arrogant look. So wished him good luck. PS Don't buy without knowing what it is...
  7. U should remove the overhead filter. Dump in LR n use PS.
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