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Golden Tooth

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Everything posted by Golden Tooth

  1. Hey, smue alrite je. Thx bro.. Musim pindah lah, gue moved closer to Causeway Point n die to Sengkang. Ini PC pon baru pasang siap pasal lame pnye dah KO. How's ur reefing?
  2. Biase lah kalau dah tue. Itu pasal bertopeng.
  3. Terperanjat jugak tengok. Ingat aku sorang pakai mask.
  4. Interesting. How long have u got this guy?
  5. Wish a happy n prosperous lunar new year to all my chinese bros. n sis.. See u guyz soon.
  6. Wow! Getting better eh? Good job bro..
  7. Looks like bro. nicky has done well with that piece. Opps... Regarding the snail, nice Trochus.
  8. It will not move much in a matured aquarium with proper lightings n currents.
  9. Remembered one of the pic with lipstick on. U could be mine Spidey.
  10. It's better report to the police coz the caller already threatens to kill u.
  11. Think the police can do something. Does the caller really threatens or juz a disturbance call?
  12. When in this type of "love situation" n it comes to an end. It doesn't matter where they come from.
  13. Nice Loopy. Hope u get him back.
  14. Juz don't go lazying ard i would advise.
  15. Maybe u're getting bigger. I got the same big appettite since last 2mth. Sleep a lot too. My friend increases in size n weight in juz 4mth.
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