Pardon me for saying this but 1 week old setup best only put live rocks to start cycle and nothing else for another 2 weeks with constant monitoring of water paremeters. What u put in now may look well or bloom but chances of a 1 week old tank keeping stuff alive is very slim unless u had done a transfer of water and rocks from an old setup. Also u will likely see bits and pieces from the live rocks rotting or moulding. Dont panic its normal, it just means the cycle has started. They will respawn after a few weeks. All sorts of critters will appear om the tank.
Also get some prawns from the market and throw in to kickstart the bacteria cycle.
Get good water testkits as well for PH, calcium, nitrate to name a few. As for chiller if u using strong lighting then u will need to get 1 cos the heat from the light will cause the water to go above 30 degrees which will then cause problems for the LS u keeping. They need light to stay healthy and grow but not so much on heat. 28 degrees is the average temp to keep for the water.
Just my 2 cents, i had to learn it the hard way on my first setup due to impatience. Buy buy buy die die die lucky it was from soccer bets won lol.