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Everything posted by Soul

  1. Take care bro~ all the best!
  2. cyna bacteria bro ... too much nutrients and not enuf flow to that area. They spread in a matter of minutes after u clean away.
  3. can u relist out whats still available? Thks
  4. Go for the HnS bro Chrislzh u wont regret it!
  5. Skimmer and UV SOLD Dolphin Ext. Canister Filter $40 - STILL AVAILABLE!
  6. I think it depends how often u feed ur lifestock lah, less feeding = less shit = less diatom mah. Your skimmer is also the determining factor as to how much more fishes or corals u should add.
  7. grats on a good deal! Now u really the red devil! kekeke
  8. how come part of the tank jutting out?
  9. use Tiger beer barrel nicer mah bro! just kiddin lah but it'll be cool looking though ....
  10. Size comparison of a Weipro 2011's collection cup and the Tunze's ...
  11. skimmer's foam production quality .. no skimmate cos i was running on 2 skimmers and an external filter.
  12. Its alright lah bargain area mah but some offers a bit too low for a 4 day old Tunze thats all haha ..
  13. For those of u who have been smsing or have the intention to, i bought the Tunze skimmer for $320 and only used it for 4 days. Pls dont expect me to sell u an almost brand new German made skimmer for below $200. Sorry no offence ...
  14. bro why u only take one view of ur beautiful tank? Take more angles leh dun shy shy hehe
  15. wat tester kit for NO3 u using huh bro? Salifert?
  16. yay NO3 going down a bit. About 4mg/l i give it ... down boy down!
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