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Everything posted by Soul

  1. Oh i have FOC livesand to give also, about 20kg of grade 1,2,3 mixed.
  2. 2 big ones 1 small, Terence 97373800. Collect by tomorrow night or into the dump it goes
  3. Slightly shorter than the FR-100, HT is 300mm. Brand new condition selling at $50neg. Terence 97373800
  4. I saw the tank in person already ... chio!
  5. Thanks for the interest, ciller has been reserved by bro Rogerttt
  6. Thanks for interest, skimmer has been reserved by bro Rogerttt
  7. Used for 1.5 years still in good working condition, suitable for 2ft and smaller 3ft setups. Selling at $150 negotiable. Pls arrange for your own transportation as i do not own a car. Terence 97373800
  8. Selling the best skimmer i have owned so far, couldnt get it to fit inside the cabinet of my new tank so have to sell it. Dont have space to run it outside my tank either Selling $180 with Rio20HF $130 without. The pumps u see in the pic is not the Rio20HF. Please note if u are using this out sump u will need a pump with higher height specifications. Terence @ 97373800 P/S : I do not own a car so u will have to self collect as this is a big skimmer.
  9. Bro can the 4 be split into 2 each cos i got an MH in the middle. Thanks. Terence 97373800
  10. I also threw in just enuf livesand to cover the frontal bottom of the tank to create the illusion that theres a sandbed. No sand storm so far running a Tunze 6000 at full blast.
  11. After 6hrs of shifting livestock and rocks from the old tank to the new tank plus a complete rescape heres the end result. I'm pretty sure most of the LPS gotta go soon in order to have ample space for the forthcoming SPS corals. I also dont like the colour produced by the ATMAN 150MH with 2x blue PL. Corals look very orangy. Gonna switch to a 250MH soon see how it goes.
  12. Bro theres one bluish sps on the bottom left beside the clam can reserve for me if its for sale? Terence 97373800
  13. Use good epoxy glue back lor bro. Let it set 24hrs b4 using should be ok
  14. From what i've read the trick is to keep the angels well fed so they wont nip corals much but theres always a chance they still nip when they're full.
  15. Aiyo guys the pic i got from this thread was found in a thread posted by our forum management aka AT lah lol ... if i had found such a place i think the for sale section i would be known as clamking by now lol. Nice thread guys take a look and drool at the colors. http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthre...20#post11564420
  16. Your tank needs a huge RBTA or anemone in the middle to complete the look. Somehow feel like something missing in the middle but nice setuo bro!
  17. Other paremeters : Salinity > 1.024 ms/cm Phosphate > 0.5 ppm (Yet to run Rowaphos maybe starting soon lah) KH > 11dkh PH > 8.4 to 8.6 Calcium > 500+ (off the colour chart)
  18. Just did some paremeters check ... wow NO3 has dropped from 20ppm to just 3ppm only within a few days of running the Korallin denitrator! Its not even fully broken in yet.
  19. Iodine make sure dont overdose its poisonous and too much will cause nitrate spike too if i'm not wrong. Anyway been a nice few hrs staying up playing ping pong chatting with ya. Goodnite bro. Skimmer going at ultra low price so let me know soon. Cant go in sump can put beside tank. Nite
  20. Btw i run this skimmer insump with a Rio20HF (50watts) now.
  21. Found a pic of my beckett ... aimai? hehe
  22. Onz u bro gonna hang this baby high and dry!
  23. Wah i laonua liao lahhhhhh .. kk onz u keep for mua i wont take long to grab it from ya.
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