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Everything posted by danano

  1. Half reserved. Another half still available.
  2. well... if you have plans to upgrade to 250W MH and your tank is sps ready, feel free to PM your interest. Will consider fragging the piece in 2. That means there'll be 2 large monti frags for sale at $30 each.
  3. Original colour is a solid pastel purple (see pic). This is one sps that I have not been able to retain the colour under T5s. It's been with me for about 5 months and is a fast grower. It's now green with white growth edges. If you have at least 250W MH and already have a thriving SPS reef, pls PM me if interested. Price $60.
  4. Interesting... ever been tempted to add an angel into your prized SPS reef? I know I have, many times... and have resisted everytime. But after seeing this thread... who knows http://reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.p...threadid=329317
  5. Been using Tropic Marin for the past 2 years. Very pleased with it.
  6. It all depends on what you intend on keeping in your tank... IMO, T5's are ideal for 2ft setups for most intents and purposes. As far as the number of tubes, that depends on the live stock you plan on keeping.
  7. AT, you might want to consider thus 'ugly mutant mother' fish for your sump. But seriously, it is a bizzare looking fish... agree with Rumor on the parentage... a hybrid of sorts. Lots of blue Linkia and red Fromia starfish. Nice. Both reef safe. Rumor pretty much covered almost everything.
  8. Check out the link... AT et al, you may want to read the 2nd last para. http://www.advancedaquarist.com/issues/jan2003/aquarium.htm
  9. Any views on this from the folks at RC? AT, I suggest you pick up 2 or 3 yellow canary wrasses. Reef safe, IMO, and they may do the trick.
  10. LP, my wrasses work but only temporarily but like the rest of you, the nasty nudis keep coming back! The moment I notice the smallest of white patches, I remove the infected piece/colony and I crush those little buggers, including the tiny eggs and all. You almost need a magnifying glass to see the eggs. I use my favourite screwdriver to do the culling. AT, only sure way is to remove the whole colony and kill each and everyone of those critters. Before you do that, try a yellow canary wrasse. I think all our tanks must have caught the bug from one of the WS shipments. Oh well. The battle continues...
  11. Here's the original picture... pastel purple with green polyps. It's turned a shade of brown with white polyps... after I moved it from 3" from the surface to now, almost 10" from the top. Selling it coz it's been displaced by another colony... and I'm running out of prime real estate on my 'nano' reef. Pls PM me if interested and only if you're using MH and your setup is sps ready. Thx. sale price $40
  12. Yes... welcome to sps land! Looking good and it's only gonna get better... with lots more sps!
  13. Simply awesome pics, especially the one with the pair of Yashia's... prize winning!
  14. Shouldn't this thread be in the 'Weekly LFS Stock Report' forum (and not Pasar Malam)?
  15. Nice re-scape... I like it! I also see lots of space to attach more goodies... Are some of your anthias hiding? I remember you had lots...
  16. Me too... Anyway, simply outstanding AT! You've done us all proud! Congrats!! I look forward to more great things from you (if you know what I mean)!
  17. Holy smokes!! Stunningly beautiful! And all that feeding... which explains all the "crap" in your skimmer! And yes, of course I remember our first meeting several months ago, the SCWD. Good to see that you and your reef are doing well!
  18. Very nice. How tall is your tank? Can you show us a pic of your sump as well?
  19. Roidan... excellent stuff bro! Sure looks like s**t... probably smell like it too! Must be due to all the feeding... several times a day, right? How is your school of queen anthias doing?
  20. Good move on the T5s, IMO. Btw, is your skimmer working properly? Another item you may want to consider upgrading in the near future. How's your squamosa doing?
  21. Was the water quality that bad? Did you test the parameters before and after the water change? It'll help you to trouble shoot better. Yes, the clam does look better after the water change. Hope it recovers. Do you dose iodin? Also, would be great if you could share with us your water parameters. One more question, how do you maintain your Ca and Alk levels? Don't think it's in your '2ft tank' thread. Btw, the Crocea shown in your other thread (even though it's surviving), requires better lighting. 1x55W 50/50 and 1x55W 20000K is inadequate. At a minimum, you may want to replace the 20000K with another 50/50, if not a 10000K. Even better if you can add another 55 or 110watts if you're sticking to PLs.
  22. Infinitereef is spot on. Besides, you may want to consider upgrading your skimmer and feeding your fish less and no more than once a day. And yes, adding more "cured" LR would be beneficial in the long-run. Do you use a power filter or canister filter? If so, this could be one of the causes. How long has your tank been up?
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